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Couple months after.

Frank had successfully healed and started eating again and is now back on the streets as normal. But right now he was on his way back from a steak out, covered in blood. He climbed the rooftops until he reached a familiar fire escape, then walked through the door to the apartment.

"Red? I'm home!" He called out, it was quiet so he jogged downstairs and looked around.
"Red?" He asked as he walked towards the bedroom door, he opened it and-


"Frank!!" He heard Matt scream, then it dawned on him that he was falling, once he hit the ground he couldn't move, then he felt something cold run down his face, then realised it was blood, he felt his body being moved and looked around seeing a blurry figure, his body was going numb as the darkness flowed in. Soon he was dosing off with Matt trying to keep him awake, Matt listened carefully and heard the bullet hit off of Frank's skull meaning it wasn't embedded in his brain, it only grazed it which could cause him serious concussion or worse. Matt didn't know anyone that could remove a bullet so he grabbed Frank's phone and called what he assumed to be the first contact.

"For fuck's sake Frank this better be good considering it two in the morning!" A man said angrily down the phone.

"Frank's hurt. He was shot in the head, the bullet only grazed his brain but I can hear it against his skull and I don't know how to get it out." Matt said, his voice panicked. He heard the man curse under his breath.

"Give me your location." Matt told him and the man said he'll be over in fifteen minutes. Matt thanked him then hung up the phone and stayed with Frank making sure he'll survive.

"Re'?" Matt heard a soft voice say, he looked down and saw Frank looking at him.
"You 'k?" He slurred. Matt nodded and held Frank's hand. He then heard the front door open.

"Hello?" He recognised the voice to be the one over the phone. The man walked in and rushed over to Frank, then began to work his skills into getting the bullet out.


An hour later and Matt was waiting next to a stable Frank, waiting for him to wake up. The guy that arrived who Matt now knew as Curtis Hoyle had left not that long ago, telling Matt that he'll need to take care of Frank until he was mentally capable again.

"Hm... Ma'...." He heard Frank slurr.

"Frank?" He asked softly.

"Hm?" Matt smiled then kissed Frank's cheek.

"You feeling ok?"

"Jus' sl'py... Dun' wan' get up." Frank slurred again, he rolled over on the couch so he was facing Matt and hugged him.
"H'd hur'..." Frank mumbled. Matt nodded It would do considering you was just shot. Matt thought but grabbed some painkillers off the table Curtis had left and gave them to Frank, then tried sitting him up.

"Come on, let's get you onto the bed."

"Dun' you p'ss me off. You won' like me when I p'ssed off." Frank slurred when he was being pulled up by Matt, the blind man nodded his head and let Frank walk, but stayed with him incase he needed help. But then Frank stopped and looked around, before staring at his feet.
"'m so smol.. " He said softly and Matt couldn't help but chuckle, then walk over and grab Frank's hand, guiding him the rest if the way.

"The quicker we get to bed the quicker you can sleep yeah?" Matt said and found it cute how Frank smiled then nodded his head like a child.

"I like tha' 'dea." He said then fell onto the bed before curling into a ball. Matt climbed into bed next to him and Frank grumbled something then hugged Matt resting his head on Matt' s chest.

"Frank?" Matt asked softly, he felt the other man shake slightly.

"Hm?" Frank answered and held onto Matt tighter.

"What's wrong?"

" 'm col'.." Frank slurred and Matt guessed he said he was cold and pulled the quilt over Frank more and held him close, soon he felt the other man stopped shivering and Matt sighed in relief then heard the door open.

"Hey Matt?" It was Karen. Matt listened as she walked over and into the bedroom, she stopped and looked at the two men on the bed.

"Hey Karen." Matt said quietly, Karen was about to ask why he was quiet but Matt just pointed at a barely awake Frank who was snuggled up nice and warm against Matt. Karen smiled at them.

"So what happened?" She whispered back, seeing the bandage across Frank's head, knowing full well Matt could hear her.

"He was shot, has serious concussion and can barely talk, sometimes it actually quite cute."

"M no cue'.." Frank mumbled before stretching out slightly then rested against Matt again, snuggling up to him as if he were an innocent child and Matt smiled.

"See?" He asked and Karen nodded her head.

"I do see, although it is very adorable and funny, I bet you don't know who the person was and if they might do it again." Karen said and Matt felt Frank tense slightly and rubbed his back.

"Please Mad I dun' wanna be shod ag'n." Frank slurred out as he curled up more, burying his face into Matt's neck, Karen then felt almost sorry for the Punisher.

"It's ok Frank, I won't let them do it again." Matt said and felt Frank nod against him.
"And Karen, I'll find out who they are, and I'll stop them." He said in a serious tone.

"One bad day...." Frank mumbled to Matt as he listened, then slowly fell asleep against Matt. The lawyer turned to Karen and smiled.

"I'll leave you to it. Call me if you need anything!" She called as she left and Matt settled down in bed and soon fell asleep too.

HEEEYYY! Soz not good at the concussion thing but I honestly don't know if people who are concussed slurr their words. So sorry if I got it wrong. Anyway I hope you enjoy it and I'll see all you lovelies in the chapter. BAIIII! 👋

Red is a strong colour (DaredevilxPunisher) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن