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Frank woke up the next morning, only to find Matt had left, he frowned slightly but got up and stumbled slightly, once he regained balance he walked out into the living room and made his way to the kitchen. Then made himself a glass of water before downing the contents inside. Then he heard the door open and froze.

"Red?" He asked, no reply... Frank the frowned and started walking towards the door, once he rounded the corner he dropped the glass at the sight of four men, the men who did this to him, who captured him and tortured him, abused him and shot him. Frank fell in panic and backed away, cutting his feet and hands on the loose bits of glass scattered over the floor. He backed into the corner as his breathing picked up. He couldn't control it, he was having a panic attack and Matt wasn't there. Frank curled up with his legs tucked into his chest, head on his knees and arms wrapped round his legs hugging them. He rocked slightly as he panicked.


Matt was in his office when he heard a rushed heartbeat. He shot up and walked out, heading to the front door. Foggy and Karen both stood there shocked.

"Matt? Where are you going?"

"Frank." Was all Matt said, Karen backed away as did Foggy, reluctantly, so Matt walked past them and out the building, running down the road towards his apartment.

When he arrived he felt Frank sitting in the corner, rocking back and forth. He heard his struggles to breathe and walked over.

"Frank?" He asked, he felt Frank's head shoot up and look at him. That's when Matt heard the glass crunch beneath his shoes and smelt the blood from Frank.
"Frank? What happened?" He asked, less soft and more concerned.

"I- I saw them... The people w-who did this to m-me.. They w-were at the door... I dropped the g-glass when I saw them.. I'm sorry." Frank said softly and Matt sighed, then knelt down and pulled Frank close, then kissed his head, rubbing circles into his back.

"It's ok. I'm here now. They won't hurt you, you're safe." He felt Frank nod and relax. I'm gonna kill those bastards for this.. Matt thought as he kissed Frank's head softly.
"We'll get through this." Frank nodded again then heard a knock on the door and flinched, his breathing sped up again and Matt didn't take notice in who arrived as he tried to calm Frank.

"Matt?".... Foggy. The blonde walked in and sighed at the sight of Frank.
"You still have him here?" He asked in a disappointed tone. Matt felt Frank back away from Foggy slightly, as if trying to hide from him. He turned his head to Frank's direction and frowned.

"Frank...?" He asked and felt the man in question wrap his arms around him tighter.

"... Please don't let him take me back, Red?... Not again..." Frank mumbled and Matt was confused. He felt Foggy's heartbeat speed up, he was mad.

"What the fuck are you talking about Frank?" He asked and Frank was too weak to do anything and looked at his lap.

"Shut up Foggy! I'll talk to you later, I'll call you when you can come back." Matt said Foggy was about to object when Matt shook his head. "I said I'll call you!" He spat, then the blonde left and Matt looked at Frank who had closed his eyes.
"Frank? What were you talking about when you said that to Foggy?" He asked softly.

"I-I don't want to tell, you'll tell him, then he'll come back..." Frank said softly and hid his face in Matt's side.

"Take you back where?.... Back to.... back to them?" Matt asked, he knew Frank didn't like talking about who hurt him but he needed to find out. He felt Frank hold onto him tight, and felt him nod his head against him. Matt then felt something, something he'd never felt before. He then felt Frank shake slightly. He realised he must've sensed what was going on.

"One bad day Matt... Don't let that be today, please??" He asked and Matt sighed.


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