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Another week went by and finally Frank was back as the Punisher, he ran around on rooftops, taking down criminals and cleaning up the streets. Right now he was perched on a rooftop, staring down the scope of his rifle, he then took the safety off and waited with his finger on the trigger.

"One batch..." He watched his target move from the study to the kitchen.
"Two batch..." Frank kept a close eye on his target, making sure that he is unaware of Frank.
"Penny and dime..." He took a quick galnce around making sure no one was near then peered down the scope again.
"Here I come..." He said whispered then pulled the trigger and watched as blood painted the wall behind his target as his body fell to the floor, he then got up and and hurried away, but was shot in the process. He made it to a safe house of his and hissed in pain, he'd been shot before, but they never felt like this. It felt like an injection and all of a sudden he couldn't move, his limbs became stiff and he couldn't breathe. He made brief noises as he tried to move but couldn't, he then watched as someone walked into his house and smiled down at him.

"Ohhh... Isn't this a treat. I'd begun to think I'd never find my treasure again... Lucky for me I had a little birdy tell me where you were. Let's just say he's close to you."

Red... Frank thought, the dark figure then lifted Frank 'bridal style' and took him to somewhere that he himself didn't even know.


"Matt?" Karen called. It has been four months since Frank's disappearance and Matt was still crazy about finding him. She walked in and found him pacing his bedroom, he looked a mess, his hair in all different directions, he hasn't shaven since there was stubble and he had bags under his eyes.
"Matt, seriously? You need to rest."

"No.. Not until I find Frank... I said- I promised I'd protect him Karen... I can't just give up." His voice was broken and Karen felt sorry for him.

"Matt we don't even know if he's still alive."

"No! Don't you dare! Don't you say that. If you don't know than don't day it." He said then he tilted his head, Karen frowned.

"Matt, I'm sor-"

"Shh.." Matt interrupted and Karen raised an eyebrow.


"Shh, shutup. Shh..." He said then walked around, passing Karen on his way.
"Oh god..." Matt said, then got in his suit and ran up the stairs to the roof, he raced across rooftops, he followed the sounds he'd been searching for.

I'm coming for you Frank...


"Wakey wakey."

"Fuck you." Frank growled.

"Ooo. And after all this time you still talk to me like shit." The man said, Frank looked at him, he had a patch over his right eye that was held in place by a bandage going round his head and across the patch. But blood had leaked through the patch and it added the the rest of the cuts, bruises and burns that covered him, inside he also had bruised and broken ribs, one if his ankles were shattered, his had a dislocated shoulder and a broken collar bone. He was a mess.

"You really think I'll welcome you with a warm smile and a celebration? Well you can just kiss my ass..." Frank said, which earned him a punch in the gut.

"You know you should be thankful. I could kill you at any moment." The man threatened. Frank chuckled.

"Ah go ahead, I've been trying for years." Frank admitted.


"Ahhh!" Before Matt knew it, he was knocked onto the ground with a heavy weight. The person got up and helped Matt up.
"Shit, sorry DD."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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