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You will eventually come back to me.  I will let you be for now. 
Don't worry, I won't bother you but remember you are to be there for me in every life time after this or after every death.  Only I can hurt you. Only I can love you.

Remember. .......


' Remember. .....'  

What was that? Did I forget something? Am I supposed to remember something?  That voice ... why is it telling me to remember something everytime I dream? What did I forget? 

" Baby, come back to bed ." Who's that girl ?

" Did you hear the same words in your dream again? "  She asked calmly trying to get my attention.

Who is she?

Oh!  Now I remember. She is Remy, my wife.  We got married 5 years ago.  Such a caring wife and my best friend.  Everytime we get intimate, I dream that same dream.  In my dream,  I can't see anything.  I don't feel anything.  Just blackness and a lonely voice trying to get me remember something.  Then after waking up, my mind gets hazy.  It gets wiped out for a few moments.

" Let's go back to sleep. You have dance class in the morning, " said Remy to me.  I teach at a dance school.  I am currently 27. I am dancing all my life.  It givesme relief and takes my mind off from everything else. 

I laid down on the bed and hugged Remy.  I feel so empty inside.  Everything is missing. I love Remy. Yet, I know it's not enough. I don't feel anything when she says she loves me.  It's like someone else was to say that. 


.... ... .. .

I don't know when I dosed off the night before.  Today I woke up in an empty bed.  Remy left early. I don't know why.  Her office starts at 9 am. But she's gone and it's only 7:35 in the morning. I should get going.  I have class at 8:15 am.

Where's my mobile? I am going to be late! 

........ .... ...
Darn!  Darn! Damn it!

My car won't start and I am already late.  It looks like I won't be able to make it to the first class.  But if the car won't start,  I won't be able to catch the second class either. I should look for a cab.

The road is so busy today.  Traffic is going to be a pain in the ass today.  I am done for.  

Is something vibrating  in my bag?  It feels like it.  I quickly search for it.  Oh, it's my mobile.  Remy is calling.  Where is she? I touch the accept icon.

" Hey, baby.  Are you at office already? " I asked her. 

" About that, .... I have to say something to you. " She is sounding off.

" Remy, did something happened? " I am really worried.

" Let's cut the chit-chat.  I am leaving you."  Is she joking?

" Don't make me laugh. " is she really wants to leave me?

" I am sorry.  I am in a relationship with my boss.  It's about my career. " Her voice is sounding so normal.  She isn't even feeling any uneasiness. 

" I know you can do everything for your career. " I am trying to make sense.  I don't know what happened.  We were intimate just yesterday and today she is saying that.  It's like all this years doesn't mean anything to her . 


" Look out !" Someone yelled at me from the sidelines.

" What d......." before I can finish something hit me at full force.  Before I can make out what happened everything got dark.

No pain.
No light.
Only darkness.

What happening?  What's going on? It's like darkness is trying to swallow me whole.  Everything is so....

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What is going on? 

Before I can find out what's happening,  I lost my consciousness.


I know it's short.  Though it's a start for something - don't you think?  Anyway, as I said before I will update every other week. 
Thanks for reading.

Ways of LoveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt