S - .02

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Am I alive?
Or am I dreaming?

I think I have gone insane.  There's no sound in my world.  No light and no warmth.

I don't feel cold. I simply don't feel anything.  Do I even have a body?  I can't feel my limbs.  Yet, I am conscious.  I have no sight.  Everything is black.  There is only blackness.

[ System reboot in 3. 2. 1. 0. ]

What's that sound?  I can hear?  My ear. ... I touched my ear.  I can touch?  I have a body! I am alive!  I can feel!

But  why..?

I am supposed to be dead.  Where am I? 

[ System- 109678.Rr greets Subject - 1920.  Welcome to the ROLLER COASTER RIDE. ] A monotone voice announced loudly. 

What the fuck is system -109668 and who the duck us subject -1920??

[ I am the honourable System -109678 and you are the duck subject - 1920. Now, shut up you human. ]  the not so anymore monotone voice spoke up with a hint of anger .

" Where am I? " I asked because although I can feel and hear but I don't have my sight yet.  I can't see.

[ oh yeah, about that. .] As soon as that voice said that everything lite up and flood my eyesight with whiteness.  IT'S TOO MUCH WHITE. 

[ Let me adjust that a bit.  Such a weakling. ]  did that  voice just badmouth me again?  That shit! 

[ You have quite the nerve to bad mouth me in your head, Subject -1920. You know I can hear your thoughts out loud.]  What the?

[ No cursing please.  Higher ups will get upset. ]  Really?  But I don't care.

" Why do you keep calling me Subject - 1920? I have a name."

[ And what's that?]

" My name is. ." Ehhhhh. What's my name?  I swear I have a name or had a name?
Have I forgotten everything or have I really gone Mad??!
Who am I talking to?  Is it normal for one to stand in a white space like place and talk to air?

I am mad.

[ That's really pathetic for someone lowly.  How come I contracted such a foolish creature? ] that really hurt me.

Am I really thar pathetic?

[ Seeing your pathetic self, I decided to let you see the supreme   System - 109678. Behold your senses high and welcome me.]

Suddenly a door out of nowhere appear before me and open revealing a confusing site.  What's that? Is that a floating cat or a dog?  I am so confuse I can't tell.  I let out a laugh.

Suddenly the cat/dog vanished and came out a man?? What the hell?

A slender looking beautiful male specimen.  So, handsome. ... so fuckable... hrm. . What the fuck am I thinking? ! He'll hear me.

[ tsk. tsk. I already heard that.  Control yourself and let's go back to business. ] 'or I will get killed if certain someone hear that' the system thought . ' I should change my appearance back to the cat'.

"  Now, answer me, where am I?  Why can't I remember anything?  What's going on? " I am really clueless.

[ You are in this system's space because you got bonded with me through a contract. You will receive your memory in 3. 2. 1. 0. ] As soon as the system said that I once again fell unconscious.


[ Host. ..Host. .. I am really sorry.  Wake up.  You are unconscious for 20 years.  Higher ups going to terminate me.  Wuwuwu..]

" Who let the cry baby out?! Quin, Shut Up!"

[ Host!  You are back!  You remember everything! I Am SO HAPPY. I AM SO HAPPY! ]

" Shut up you drama queen.  Quin, what the fuck happened in my last transmigration? " I asked Quin.

[ Well, host.  After you transmigrated this time due to punishment for previous time, you lost your memories and won't remember anything you did in that world.  But do you need the lost memory, host?]

I think you have already guessed what's going on.  I am Arik . Don't have a last name. The previous world was supposed to be my third world.  I was like an obedient child in the first world.  Always went to the right direction for the world to go in the right direction. 

I got really bored in the second world.  Always repeating the same thing - make way for the male lead and female lead.  What about me??  So...... I messed up a little bit of the story.  Turn the female lead into a lesbian. Made the antagonists the world's hero and as for the male lead- well,  no body could identify him after I was finished with him.

The world collapsed.  According to the Higher ups, collapsing a world is a no-no.

And I did that willingly.  So, I was punished.  I had to transmigrate without my memory or the world's history.  Anything could have happened to me. 

Well, here I am.  I don't want to know what happened to me in that world. 

[ Host, next world is awaiting. As a part of the punishment, you can not learn any new skills. Skills will be available after 5th  world. ]

" At least, can you tell me about the next world? "

[ Sorry, host.  Transformation in 3. 2. 1. 0. ]

[ Uploading 35%..... 57% ......... 78%...... 99%................100%].


I am really lazy.  So, that's why I escaped from the elaboration about how the system and host contracted the first time or anything. 
Though eventually, I'll explain.  Don't look for pit holes.  Told before and once again I am telling you that it's an unedited story.
And I am not going to edit it in a long time. I don't have the time.

Thanks for reading. Please express your own thoughts if you have any.

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