Bumblebee Boy

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I feel like a real adult."

This sentences comes from Troye as he flops backward onto our newly made bed. I step in between his legs and place my hands on his flat stomach.

"You are a real adult, baby."

"No but like a real real adult." He looks up at me eagerly. "Unpacking boxes with my boyfriend, getting ready for my first sleep in our new house. How cool is that?"

"The coolest." I lay down beside him, taking his hand and bringing it to my lips for a kiss. "Are you happy?"

Troye considers the question. I love that about him, he doesn't just blurt out what I want to hear, he actually thinks about it. "Very happy," he tells me with a smile. "I love you."

"Love you," I reply, kissing the tip of his nose.  He shuts his eyes, long eyelashes sweep down. I gaze at him, marveling at all of his perfect little flaws, wondering how I got so lucky. I reach out and brush my thumb over the tiny birthmark on his cheekbone. "You look tired ."

Troye yawns widely. "I'm ready for bed. Carry meee." He whines, giggling.

"Carry you where? We're in bed!"

"Brushing teeth, Jacob. Didn't your mother raise you better than that?" He's all clingy and soft as I haul him into the bathroom, standing behind him at the sink and peppering kisses on to his bare shoulders and neck as he brushes. Being the bossy tiny boy he is, he stands beside me and instructs me to brush my teeth, and I do, under his watchful gaze.

"You're a little bossy," I murmur, scooping him back up and carrying him into our room.

"You're a little needing to be bossed around," he retorts. "You love me."

"I love you."

I get cold easily, so I put on pajamas, but Troye runs a higher temperature most of the time and he just strips down to his boxers, and dives under the covers, holding his arms out to me until I join him. I snuggle right up beside him, putting my hand on the back of his head to hold him, and kissing all over his face and his neck and his hair, until i run out of unkissed skin. Troye cups my face and looks at me, studying my face so intently that I feel self conscious.

"What?" I ask finally, and he shakes his head, smiling.

"Nothing. You're beautiful."

"Don't," I tell him, hiding my face in his shoulder. "I'm going to cry if we don't go to sleep soon. You're too sweet."

"I just like watching you blush when I compliment you . you're fucking precious." Troye cuddles down under the blankets against me. "Goodnight, babydoll."

"G'night, Tro."

Some people don't like sharing the bed or sleeping with others. Troye is not one of those people. He falls asleep with every limb wrapped around me, legs tangled with him, one arm wrapped snugly around my waist, and the other thrown over my shoulder. His head is tucked against my chest. He's warm and soft and he smells like home even though we just started moving in today. I fall asleep more easily than I have in months.

When I wake up, I'm not sure why. It's dark, and I'm a little disoriented. I'm not used to the new house and the new space yet. The clock on the nightstand says it's just past 3am. Something feels different and I can't remember what, until I realize that Troye is sleeping beside me, which I'm not yet used to. He's not quite so wrapped around me, he's rolled a couple inches away from me, but he's still deep asleep, breathing evenly. No, not just breathing... snoring. It takes a second for me to register how funny that is. I don't even know why, it's just that Troye is the absolute last person I'd expect to snore.

It's not obnoxious or loud, in fact it barely even counts as a snoring. It's just loud breathing, delicate inhales and breathy exhales, and he almost just sounds like a bee. A little buzzing bumblebee. I grin into the darkness. That's perfect.

*Troye's pov*

"Hey, did you know that you snore?" Jacob drops the question in passing as he scrambles a pan of eggs. I look up at him sharply.

"I do not!"

"Oh," Jacob smiles. "Angel, you do."

I can feel pink creeping up my cheeks and I drop my head onto the counter. "Did I keep you up?" I say to the tiles beneath me, avoiding Jacob's gaze.

"Psh, no. You're not loud. You have the tiniest little breathy snores I've ever heard. Like a little bumblebee," Jacob grins. "Bumblebee boy."

"Jake, stop." I protest, still blushing.

"I'm serious, I wanted to take a video! You're so cute. They were the cutest snores ever!"

"Jacob do not tease me about this."

"I'm not! I genuinely found it to be absolutely adorable and I almost woke you up just to tell you."

"You're so weird," I shake my head. "I swear, if you tease me about this or tell Marc or Hari or Jacob and the start coming after me -"

Jacob starts to laugh. "I won't, I won't. I don't tease.

"Good," I pout as he comes over and tips eggs onto my plate. "And no teasing nicknames either," I warn, before he can find a loophole.

"Of course not." Jacob puts his finger under my chin and uses it to tilt my head up and kiss me. "I wouldn't dream of it. I love you too much... Bumblebee Boy."

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