Need You Now

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12 :17am

Babyface: I'm dizzy

Babyface: also I loooive yuo

Babyface: my heart beatd four youu

Babyface: you're my numbet 1 babyyy omly one for meee


Babyface: i think maybe I had too much to drinksss

Babyface: can you cone pick me up?

Babyface: *cone

Babyface: *cone

Babyface: ****COME


Babyface: jasaaacob

Babyface: jake Jake Jake jaje

Babyface: are you coming?

Babyface: did yoi forget abou t me?

Babyface: some guy jusy asked me to go home eith him. Shoul d I say yes because your ignoriNG ME

Babyface: there are all these people here making out. I want someone to make out with tooooo. I want you.

Babyface: i just got kneed in the ribcage by aome people who were literaly having sex against the wall, come pick me up, Im scared.

Babyface: or come pick me up so we can have sex on a wall either is fiine.


Babyface: did you die? re you dead? Do you love me jacobbvv do your nlove meee?


Babyface: okay bye I found more drinks, this one is pink and tastes like purple

My phone dies in the middle of me rewatching Our Planet, and when I finally realize this and go to plug it in, I have a whole slew of texts from Troye.

A very


Drunk Troye.

He went out to some celebration thing hours ago and then the after party relocated to a bar and now he's absolutely smashed. I quickly type out a response.


Me: my phone died, just read all these. Where are you? I'll come pick you up.


Babyface: I'm at that one called GlitterPot and it's got strippeeeeers let's go cRazy let's go stupidddddf

Me: uh yeah..let's not, with the strippers, okay? Don't leave I'm on my way now.

Sure it's almost 1am but my boyfriend needs to get home somehow, so I grab my sneakers and keys and go out to the car. The club is only like 15 minutes away from our house and with the time it takes to snag parking, I'm there in 20 minutes.

Inside, the music is pulsing, people are genuinely making out all over the place. The floor is glittery, almost like a mirrorball, which makes it highly disconcerting to walk over, and everyone has a drink of some sorts in their hand. And...yep, there are the strippers. Male and female alike, which I think is uncommon, but honestly, I don't go clubbing enough to be entirely sure. It's not exactly my scene.

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