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"You better be quiet, Nash. I swear, if you wake him up, Dad won't be very happy." I warn the pitbull, who's jumped onto our bed and is looming over a sleeping Jacob. He hasn't been feeling well over the last couple of days, and we've been happily spending our days off in bed and lounging on the couch.

I settle myself back down after a few moments of direct eye contact with Nash, going back to scrolling through Twitter and playing random games I've downloaded because I'm a true child at heart.

After another few minutes, I can tell something's different. I set the device down and think for a second, realizing that I'm hearing two different snores instead of one.

Jacob's also giggling in his sleep, but that's nothing new. I look over, and hold back a laugh when I see our son spooning my boyfriend, curled up around him from behind and snuffling against his neck. "Oh dear." I pick up my phone and sit up, leaning over Jacob to get a better look.

"Shh," I whisper when he mumbles something, annoyance and confusion in his tone.

"You two need to stop being so cute. Right now." I add, laying back down and turning to face Jacob. He's completely relaxed. His nose is red from blowing and rubbing it so much, his poor cheeks are red as well, and his lips are chapped from breathing through his mouth. He looks like a little kid again. A little kid who has a bad cold and can't go to school today.

He may be older than me but he's my baby just as much as I'm his baby.

We lie there for another hour, Jacob having slept through most of the morning after drinking the smoothie I made him and begged him to drink. He's stubborn to begin with, even more so when he's sick. Nash eventually gets up and goes off to do his own thing, bored of his Sleeping Beauty and nurse dad.

He's gentle enough to thankfully not wake Jacob up. It wouldn't be the first time one of us has woken up with a big drooly dog clambering over us, which is quite the fright.

Jacob wakes up a few minutes after Nash leaves, making a small snorting sound and startling awake from a dream. He always gets weird dreams when he has a fever or is just sick. "Hey there, Jakes." I smile, rolling over to face him again. Jacob sighs and rubs his forehead, yawning.

"What were you dreaming about, baby?" I laugh, pulling him down to hug me. He coughs a little and hugs me back tighter, kissing my head like he does every time we hug. "Nash and I were racing and I was about to catch up but I tripped and woke up." We both laugh, because that sounds just like Jacob.

"Well I'm sorry he beat you. How about we go get you some water? Want to go to the living room? Stay here?"

"Living room. I can do it." He insists. And so he does. We shuffle to the living room across from our room, and he settles in on the navy blue couch. "You did it, alright. If you feel dizzy, you need to lie down. You haven't had water in a while." I advise, seeing his paler color. He nods, and I go downstairs to get him a glass of water from the kitchen.

I return to see him barely awake, in his own little world while I sit beside him.

"Come here, love. Drink a little and lie down." I instruct, keeping my voice nice and soft. He needs to be coddled. Jacob obliges, and collapses into my lap. He's got his arms folded behind his head, and he's facing upwards towards me. I can't help but lean down and kiss his pouty lips, seeing that he's already out of it and can't whine about getting me sick.

Once again, he looks like a little kid. Little Jacob Taylor.

Nash trots in a bit later, climbing up to the couch and laying right next to the sick boy. He has this look that says 'I got him, I'll keep him safe' and it relieves my worry. I lean back and close my eyes, peeking down at Jacob every couple of minutes to see the same sight. Rosy cheeks, chapped lips and nose, mouth pouted open and those congested snores that I monitor closely when he's sick. I get worried that something terrible and irrational will happen. It's gotten better, but when Jacob's hurt or sick it's my top priority to take care of him. I really can't help to listen to every breath, every snore, watch every twitch, feel every shiver. He'll always be my baby. 

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