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*Original fic, crafted by K and myself. 10k-ish words. We're planning a sequel so let is know if you want to see that! xx K & L*

"Okay you absolutely have to tell me as soon as the appointment is over, call me in the car home, tell me everything. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Troye, I'm just going to get inseminated, I'm not delivering the baby." Sage puts her hand on her older brother's shoulder in a calming way. "Take a deep breath, bubby."

Troye inhales slowly and then exhales hurriedly. "okay the car's here, I gotta go. Bye Sagey, good luck." He gives his sister a tight hug and then stands on his tiptoes to kiss me on the cheek. "Bye Jakes, call me, I love you guys." Troye opens the front door and jogs down the steps, blowing kisses until he gets into the car and the door shut behind him.

"He's so cute. So excited." Sage gushes, buckling her seatbelt while I start my car. "My little worrier." I laugh, pulling out of the garage and down the driveway.

Sage and I talk about what we're looking forward to and what we're nervous about, and we're both smiling as we walk into the doctor's office. The waiting room is empty, only a few people scattered around in the plastic chairs. We take our seats by the front desk, and Sage hands in the required paperwork before getting taken back privately.

There's nothing left to do but wait. I aimlessly flip through a recent copy of People Magazine, amused to see my fiance's face looking up at me from the glossy pages.

'Why we're nuts for Troye Sivan's new album'

is emblazoned above his head, followed by a very short, generically complimentary snippet. They probably didn't even actually listen to the album, but at least they're shedding positive light on him.
It seems to be a surprisingly short amount of time, before Sage is walking out of the door leading to the back, all smiles as she approaches me.

"They say we've got a pretty good chance." She smiles even more, hugging me once I stand up.

"God, I'm so nervous and excited. Thank you, again. For doing this." I add, walking us out to the car.

"Of course I'd do this. You guys are starting a family in one way or another, and I'm ecstatic to be a part of the journey." Now I feel like I have tears in my eyes, and we hug again before climbing into the car.

"Gosh, we love you, Sage. And we're forever grateful." She nods her head, and I know that fact is clear to her already.

"do you wanna call Troye and let him know everything went smoothly?" I ask, plucking her phone out of the cupholder and passing it to her. "You know he'll worry if we don't at least leave a voicemail for him to listen to after he finishes the interview."

"I was just about to do that." Sage presses Troye's contact in her phone. Unsurprisingly, the call rings through with no answer. He's probably on air right now.

"Hi Troye, I'm on the way home now, just calling to let you know that everything went well, we have a 60% chance of getting pregnant now. I have to do a home test in a week that will let us know. Love you lots, come home soon. Bye."

When Troye arrives home, it's immediate tears when he sees us. Happy tears. Nervous tears. Excited tears.

"I just want to know." He mumbles when we're all calm and sitting on the couch. Nash is concerned but happy, sensing our energy perfectly.

"Me too, Tokky. I've got good feelings, though. Either way you'll end up with a little baby to love." Sage cooes, rubbing Troye's back while he hugs her.

"That's right, either way we'll have a little family." I kiss his cheek and run my hand through his curls, silently praying for the millionth time for a baby to become our reality.

"What if it doesn't work?" Troye's words are almost unintelligible, so soft it seems like maybe he doesn't want to be heard.

Immediately, Sage and I scoot closer to Troye, wrapping our arms around him until we're one tangled pile of limbs.

"Mum says it'll work. She told you our family has no trouble having babies, yeah?"

"Yeah, but Jacob - no offense baby, what if there's something wrong on your side that we don't know about. There are so many variables. Too many variables."

"Troye, angel, I have three biological siblings. I'm not just trying to comfort you when I say I genuinely don't think we have anything to worry about."

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