
579 14 15

Stoopid hoes
12:30 pm

Aiga: whaddaup loserssss 😎

Lui: not your grades thats what bitch

Rantaro: ooft

Daigo: shit!! I felt that even tho if it wasn't aimed for me 😂😂

Sisco: Aiga do you need ice for that burn ;)

Aiga: no thx bitch anyways does anyone knows good porn to watch or smth ;)

Free: I once saw you jerk off to animal porn like wtf man

Aiga: I uh what when ....I didn't

Lui: Bitch is ExPoSeD

Sisco: BusteD 😂

Rantaro: ew 😂 anime porn is wayyy better

Daigo: why the fuck are we talkin bout porn .-.

Sisco: every man on this planet has watched porn once in their life. 😇

Free: hoe just exposed himself

Rantaro: he was exposed the day he was born bitch

Aiga: enough exposing rats now recommend me some good porn

Lui: I don't watch too much porn once in a week or smth

Wakiya: ya bcuz your ass is always busy training

Free: where did u cum from Wakiya lmfao

Wakiya: cum 😂😂

Sisco: if you wanna watch good porn then watch it on on pornhub ;)

Aiga: thanks brotha ;)

Sisco: welcum bro 😂

Lui: there is too much cum in this chat istg

Daigo: if Shu sees this y'all are ded :))

Rantaro: he's in the kitchen rn

Shu: you guys kno I've been reading this whole time :))))

Lui: oh fuck!!

Shu: my dear children y'all are grounded except Daigo and Free now y'all gimme your laptops :)))

Aiga: akkajskakiwiw nooooo how will I watch porn ;-;

Rantaro: you faggot started this topic

Aiga: it's all my fault isn't it

Wakiya: yes beeech it is

Shu: hand over laptops to me :)))

Rantaro: ;-;

Aiga: kayy but ;-; when will we get it back.

Shu: after 3 weeks :)))

Aiga: o my god how will I survive without my hentai porno and video games ToT

Daigo: bitch you are being too over dramatic 🙄

Aiga: you don't know how it feElz

Shu: :))

Lui: Shu hoe you are being creepy and nah I'm not giving my laptop to you

Shu: you know who you talking to right bitch :))

Lui: fine I'll give you my laptop....

Shu: good :))

Free: btw where's Valt my love

Rantaro: wait whattt?!

Aiga: free hoe when did this HappEn

Sisco: oooo lemme grab popcorn

Free: I like Valt he is too cute and innocent and uh he is too pure whatever he does he looks so cute.....

Wakiya: you sound whipped

Shu: hoes you know valt's in this chat right?!

Free: fuck I need to delete the previous texts

Rantaro: already screenshot ;)


*free deletes the texts*

Rantaro: it'll come in handy one day who knows ;)

Free: You do know who I am right? Right BITCH :)))

Rantaro: uh don't worry free I already deleted it 😅

Free: great choice

Lui: Shu is rubbing off on you Free and it's scary

Free: tru

Sisco: lmfao 😂

Rantaro: who u laughing at hoe -_-

Sisco: at your stupid ass that's what

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