||Them as girls on their periods||

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-Actually glows on their period
-Doesn't get affected
-Gets their period every 2 months for 3 days
-light flow
-Very energetic even on periods like wtf

-Medium flow
-gets their period on the exact same time every fucking month
-wears only tampons
-gives motivational speeches to every person

-irregular periods
-Gets moody and angry
-heavy flow
-gets very bad cramps
-radiates a dangerous aura of not to mess with them

-the sassy bitch
-will roast the fuck outta you
-medium flow
-humiliates anyone who walks by
-listens to Taylor Swift's songs

-don't care about the periods as long as they get it every month
-Savage af
-normal flow
-eats 26727 lollipops
-but when someone messes with them haha bitch you ded

-hate it when ppl ask them if they are on their periods
-always complains like a little bitch
-uses pads because tampons takes your virginity XD
-medium flow

-silently judges every fucking person that is around them
-looks like they got hit by a fucking car
-heavy flow and go through XL pads in 5 hours
-eats as if haven't eaten in days

-Ohmygawd we are at this point already hehe
-moody mess
-one leak away from blowing up
-medium flow
-will humiliate you if you breathe wrong
-wears tampons only
-wants their space stays 5 ft away from everyone

-the sleepy gal
-won't go to skool for the whole week even their moms gives up waking them
-looks like they haven't rested the whole fucking year
-takes an Advil and they are good

Kiki (Me)
-moody mess between crying and anger
-very bad cramps ;-;
-eats chocolates to reduce the pain
-sometimes bitter af
-light/medium flow
-gets it every month for only 3 or 4 days
-In grade 7th I got my periods when the relay race selections were going on and I couldn't take part in it  because of my periods *le cries*

Now tell me about y'all how do you act on your periods?

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