Less than a month.

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So in less than a month I'm gonna post a special roleplay chapter.
If you ask for it now.
It won't be special.
We all know about a shipwreck back in 1912, April 12-15th.
If you haven't. Search up: Titanic.
I might do that around that time.
Mostly every one I have met knows about Titanic. The 'Unsinkable" ship.
Of how it struct an iceberg on the 14th around 11:20pm or 11:40pm. And sank around 2am in the atlantic ocean, going from Belfast in the UK over to America. It took 3 years to build and took around 2 and a half or 3 hours to sink on her first time going out on sea. 2,300 on board, but only around 700 survived as there was not enough lifeboats and they sailors rushed to lower them.
Women and Children went first and men got on another boat when most women children got off.
But many of the women, children and men still died.
And many jumped in the water to save themselves. But that was a terrible idea as they were in the atlantic ocean, every one in the water died from hypothermia. Except 6.
Mostly 3rd class died.
Many were stuck on the boat in their cabins because no lifeboats and they couldn't even have a chance to get by gates.
The thing that was surprising. Because of all the weight on the ship, the water filled 6 rooms at the bottom. Yet she could only hold 4 rooms of water.
And the rooms slowly got filled with water on the east side. But, the west side didn't get full, instead, the weight of the water made the west side of the ship go up in the air. Which made it nearly impossible to survive as many fell to their death. And then the boat slowly fell in the water, and here's the sad bit. Only one lifeboat came back to save the ones in the water, not sure how long but the ones in the water died in probably 10 minutes. The ones who survived were probably on something like a door that fell out, maybe a shelf or something.
The ones who's survived were put on another boat. It began with C.. I think it was Carpathia, I'm just writing this out of the knowledge I have learned.

Something many others don't know is that the Titanic got in a fire accident a few days before she set sail, but she went out any way. My theory is that the iceberg only helped that burn mark cut deeper.. So I think the fire just made it weaker and th3 iceberg took the final blow.
The Titanic was later found at the bottom of the Atlantic in 1983 or 1986 by someone called Robert I think. The ship still remains their today. But in at least 100 years or so. The Titanic will most likely be nothing.
And at the bottom of the Atlantic, shoes of people and other belongings were found.
Someone called Margaret, also known as Molly. History calls her the 'Unsinkable' Molly Brown as she was one of the only people to convince the sailors to go back for the rest.

And that's all--
Here are some videos and pictures though.

(This is the movie. Not real footage but the ship did split because survivors had said so as they watched from the distance.
Jack and Rose. The two you mostly say during that. Is not real. Their story is not real. Jack dies and Rose lives but they aren't real people. And for thos3 who have seen the 1958 movie. The Titanic didn't split. Because that movie was released before the found the wreck. They didn't believe the survivors that said it did split.)

Here it is when it was setting sail to New York City

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Here it is when it was setting sail to New York City. I think.

And here it is underwater today

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And here it is underwater today.
It can't be brought up because of the weight. And people aren't allowed down except if they are in small underwater machines, they are brought to staff in those machines and trained professionals go down and tour. It's mostly tourists who go to see it.

People record it, yes. Because you can see it slowly dissolving, it'll be known as only history soon.
If you do want the Titanic to be a chapter please comment down below- Bai!~ Also. May we just pray for those who have died in the Titanic and hope they are doing well in the after life. Enjoying their new life. May we also pray for those who have died but survived the Titanic. One more sad thing. Apparently a baby was in the frozen water but I'm not exactly sure. Like I said. This info is just what I know.

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