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1: Error and Fresh where Brothers, Fresh was a famous singer and Error was secretly depressed. Fresh had just sang his newest song, a love song, and then went to Error for his opinion. After getting his opinion Fresh confesses the song was made for Error, which made him flustered of course.

2: Fresh was thrown into the anti-void, by Cross, again. Cross once again let his anger get to him and threw Fresh to the anti-void where Error was. After Fresh explains why he was thrown there that time they laughed like always but end up staring at one another after. They lean closer and slowly kiss, unlike usually where they would laugh again.

3: high school scenario- Error was a nerd, and always got picked on by Fresh and his friends, but Fresh never hurt anyone. So it was the end of the day and Fresh’s friends where starting to beat up Error till Fresh appeared, pissed, and made everyone stop. It confused Error so much, as of why his bully, and crush, was defending him.

The magic of copy and paste. :3

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