The Year Before The Storm 2

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Adira's POV

I think Gringotts needs to fix these tracks. I wouldn't be surprised if someones died trying to get to their vault. Although it was a rather exciting experience. Our first stop is vault 19. It has a small amount of Galleons, sickles, and knuts but the majority of the vault is magic artifacts. My mouth was practically watering at all the new knickknacks i have. I'll have to sort through what's in it to see if there is anything useful later.

Moving on we came to vault 13. Apparently father forgot to mention he bought a vault. This one was filled with ancient relics from farther back then even ancient Greece. Most of it isn't magical, just cool things from ancient times that are definitely worth a fortune. But i'm sad to say father is emotionally attached. My favorite thing in there has to be the collection of ritual daggers from the ancient Mayan's. There so cool and you can feel the spirits of the sacrificed living in the blade. These would be considered highly dark and illegal objects in Britain. I just had to sneak one out with me.

You couldn't be mistaken of vault 05 being the Ravenclaw vault. The entire space is full of rouse upon rouse of book shelves filled top to bottom with thousands of books of magic forgotten or recently banned. I can feel all the different types of magic peeling of the different books. But what instantly drew my attention was the book sitting in the middle of the vault on a stone pedestal. It, similar to the Slytherin ring only let my open it when it got a drop of my blood. The book is filled with Rowena's own original magics and theories. I had to take that with me two. I had found a pocket dimension shoulder bag in the Peverell vault so i stored the book and the dagger there. I will be back in this year before i go off to Hogwarts to learn as much of this stuff as i can. 

 Now vault 03 was definitely something i was looking forward too. I completely ignored the piles of galleons, and made my way straight to the bookshelves. The Parseltongue spell books i had to take as well. Those will definitely come in handy when dueling because they wont know what spell i'm casting until it's to late. And there might be some cool unique magics to learn as well.

And Lastly we came upon the Le fay vault, 01. I could feel the foreign yet still familiar magic as it cascaded off of the vault in massive waves. The inside was filled instead of galleons and sickles, but of pure silver and gold. Ancient magic tomes sat restlessly on the shelves like they are sitting in excited anticipation to finally be picked up and read. And on the far wall, sat rows of ancient weapons that look not a day old. I was drawn to one particular sword hiding off in the far corner. It feels like apart of me, the same as the ring sitting idly on my pinky finger. As i held my hand out to grasp the handle the sword came alive and wrapped around my wrist becoming a beautiful silver and black bracelet. I was completely shocked but figured i'd see and had seen weirder so I quickly brushed it off and took the beginners to the magic of the Fay. I figured i should learn as much about this magic before i'm completely blindsided when my witch magic stabilizes but my Fay half awakens fully. 


After finishing with the vaults Ragnok takes us back up to the meeting room we were in previously. Now it is time to talk business. After taking our seats i start off the conversation. "I have been studying business for a few years now and I think i have come up with a solid plan to start what could be the biggest company in the world. I don't want to limit myself to only muggle or magical, I want to provide for both. With a steady hand in each world i will be able to influence both sides to avoid conflict between them. The business itself I was thinking of was to start with a storefront that caters to both. The Leaky Cauldron. If we purchase the business we can remodel it up from the dump its become. It's the first place the muggle born witches and wizards are introduced to the magical world. If we can monopolize on that we can hold the business of all that come through for going to Diagon Alley. We can as well make it a popular stop for muggles as well and have it be a nice family inn and restaurant."

Ragnok thought this was a good idea and got to work writing ideas and how we can go aobut this and improve it. "I also was thinking of setting up a high class muggle restaurant to make connections we can use to further our business on that end. That shouldn't be too difficult but making connections with the wizarding world will be more difficult. Although I know i could buy stocks and shares in businesses but i don't have the money for that yet without going bankrupt. Once we get a steady money flow we can go into small store fronts to set up a strong customer base."

Ragnok paused from his writing and spoke. "this will be doable. Getting the Leaky Cauldron will take a bit of time but we can start the construction on the restaurant right away. We'll send out invitations to the biggest names in Britain. You also have some stocks and shares already from some of your inheritances that are doing really well. But your right we do need to start slow but i'm looking forward to our long and prosperous partnership." With that we set off back to the alley and reactivated my charms. 

We stopped in Flourish & Blotts and bought a few different books on occlumency and legilimency. Its never to early to train the mind. I don't need to go into any of the other stores until we come back in a year to buy my school supplies so we headed off to Knock turn Alley instead. Now this place is more my speed. Father was struggling to keep up with me as i ran in out of all the different stores. That is until I caught sight of something that made me hold my breath without even realizing. 

It was an absolutely stunning woman walking down the middle of knockturn alley not even batting an eye at all the creatures lingering in the alley. I'm a creature myself and pretty much dead so i'm not afraid but she is a whole 'nother creature. My heart skipped a beat and stomach did little flops as i stared at her graceful figure (well it felt like my heart skipped a beat.). Father seeing my change and noticing what caused it began to snicker. I turned an embarrassed glare onto him and when i looked back she was looking right at me. Instantly i could feel my cheeks heat up and i looked away as fast as i could. After a second i looked back and she had a teasing smirk on her face as she gave me a wink and sashayed her hips in a hypnotic rhythm as she walked away. 

"I just fell so hard." I didn't realize i said it out loud until i heard my father's booming laughter. My face lighting up for a second time I angrily stomp my way back to the entrance to Diagon Alley to go home.


A/N: i couldn't stop myself from changing the pairing to harry and bellatrix. I like the bad girls what can i say. And if your worried i wont do anything sexual between them until at least the tri wizard tournament arc. There will be little flirting in between though so if you don't want to see the large age gap between the pairing you might want to stop reading. Although it will take a lot of chapters to get there. I didn't really know what i was doing in this chapter so i'm sorry if this one wasn't as good as the previous ones i'm going to try and do a bit better on the next one. 

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.  

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