Feels Like Home

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A/N: I changed Daphne's hair to blond. Most other fanfic's I've read have her with blonde hair and I couldn't really find a proper description so I'm just going with what I have come to picture her as now.

Adira's POV: 

The little boat rocked slightly as two new faces and one familiar stepped on. 

"Hello again Daphne." I say with a small smile. "It appears you have made up with your friends." I finish looking at the two unfamiliar faces.

"I have." She says sending a grateful look. "This is Blaise Zabini," She motions to a fairly tall, dark skinned boy with black hair and dark brown eyes. "And this is Tracey Davis," She finished motioning to her other companion, a rather short girl, about my height, with chocolate brown hair and caramel eyes and pale skin. All in all they're a pretty good looking group. 

I nodded to them in turn noticing their slight wary looks. "Pleasure to meet you. My name is Adira Ravenclaw. And this is Peaches and Cuddles." I said introducing my familiars. Seeing their expressions still guarded I decided to start up some friendly conversation. "So, what subject of magic do you all prefer?"

That seemed to snap them out of their staring and began discussing different subjects and fields of magic we all found interesting. I am a tad embarrassed to say I began babbling on about runes getting amused looks from the three.

Soon enough the boats were off, sailing along the pitch black surface of the lake. It wasn't long before the magnificent sight of Hogwarts come into view. Along with the sight of beautiful, and awe inspiring castle, came the overwhelming feelings of coming home. 

I could feel the wards of the ancient castle pass over my skin like a comforting embrace. Not to mention the absolute glee emanating from the magic of the castle. The magic itself is insanely dense and plentiful here, it truly does feel like home.

Mom said the castle, if having not been tampered with, would recognize one of its heirs. 

I truly do love magic.

As the boat came to a stop, the others quickly made their way onto solid ground. Staying back for a minute I let Peaches go and find the owlery to make herself at home. 

Stepping off the boat my attention was instantly drawn to a group of bickering children. As I looked closer I recognized the faces of Draco Malfoy, and Henry Potter, with equally disgusting snarls being sent at each other. 

The lack of reaction at my first time seeing Henry again didn't really surprise me if i'm being honest. After the life I've lead so far being affected by my former family, and there abandonment and neglect of me seems almost trivial.

The rune inked into my face and my occulomency also are a great help with dealing with emotions, even if I rarely feel any true emotion.

The argument was swiftly stopped by the arrival of Professor McGonnagal. It truly is a sight to see the boy with Henry become redder then his hair.

As Professor McGonnagal began leading us towards the great hall, ghosts came through the walls and flying over head. When their gaze found me they instantly hurried away except for one.

Looking into the teary eyes of my long dead sister I gave her a little smile before she headed off with one of her own.

As the doors to the great hall opened and we began making our way in, I heard the girl, Hermione, talking about the enchanted ceiling and how she read about it in Hogwarts a History.

She really is a know it all. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with actually knowing it all, but when you flaunt it so openly it becomes incredibly annoying. 

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