Train Rides Are Eventfull

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Adira's POV:

As the bushy haired girls eyes glanced over me and I couldn't contain a giggle at her break neck double take.

"What are you?" She asked. Before I could discipline her on her lack of manners she continued. "I've read quite a few books on magical creatures and the closest thing I can think of would be a blood elf."

Feeling immensely insulted that I would be compared to those dreadful beings I said. "I don't believe that is how one introduces oneself. And I am not a blood elf." I spat the name with undisguised disgust. "I am a Fae."

Blood elves are similar in kind to vampires but with little self awareness. It is what becomes of an elf who has been infected by a vampire, born of vampire and elf, or born of other blood elves. They're actually more common than you might think. The elves or I suppose what I should be saying is High Elves have a relation ship with similar to that of the vampire and werewolves. There are always small skirmishes that result in the infection of an elf. 

"But I read that the Fae had gone extinct before Hogwarts was even built." The bushy haired girl said.

"Your book was wrong... " I trailed off expectantly.

"Hermione Granger." She blushed in embarrassment. Probably at having to be reminded to introduce herself. 

"If I am sitting right in front of you, I believe that in itself tells you that my species is not extinct." Maneuvering myself into a more comfortable position I let Cuddles back around my neck to go back to sleep. "I also don't believe one should ask such a question before introducing themselves."

Blushing even harder in embarrassment I thought to let her off easy.

Turning my attention to the chubby fellow standing behind her I asked. "And you are?"

"M-m-my n-name is N-Neville Longb-bottom." He replied shyly.

"And I hear your looking for your toad, yes?" 

"Y-yes, his n-names T-Trevor."

Summoning my wand from the holster wrapped around my forearm I pointed the tip of my wand to the palm of my other hand before saying. "Accio, Trevor."

Loud 'eeps' followed as a toad came flying past Hermione, and Neville's head's. Summoning my wand back into its holster, I began to give the large toad some gentle scratches to his head.

Cuddles perked up at the combined noise and sent of prey. I had to keep her from eating him as Neville happily retrieved his toad.

Thanking me for finding his toad, Neville made a hasty retreat dragging a gaping Hermione behind him.

Turning my attention back to Daphne, I Inquired about why she was so distraught upon arriving at my compartment.

"My friends and I got into a fight." She started somewhat reluctantly. "I told them that I might want to go to Beauxbatons next year. My cousin goes there and she was telling about how amazing it is. Compared to what I've heard of Hogwarts, it sounds a lot better."

Being momentarily distracted by my fantasies of french witches and school locker rooms I quickly got back on track.

"They most likely took it to be that you are abandoning them." I contemplated. "They must have got upset at the idea of you leaving them. You just need to give them time to calm down and explain that this isn't about them, but about you taking serious consideration to your schooling. Most eleven year old's are incapable of thinking rationally when confronted with something that they don't particularly like."

At that she seemed lost for words. She probably didn't expect me to actually care. Although I can't say I do. Maybe in time she will come to be one of the people I don't view as objects but not yet. Although it's startling to think of how fast I came to see Bella as something to cherish. I had started the moment I saw her strolling through Knckturn Alley without a single worry. I can't say I can bring myself to care though.

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