Honest & Lies

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Alessia P.O.V

Today I was gonna find out what was really wrong with Camila and the real reason why she hates me because let's be honest...who would hate me? I am just normal and I'm a singer. As I was walking to class, Shawn went in front of me.

Alessia: "Shawn...I need to pass.."

Shawn: "No wait...I need to tell u the truth about me and Camila...and I've lying to u.."

Alessia: ...

Shawn: "Me and Camila have been in a relationship before.."

Alessia: "Wait....what???"

Shawn: "Yea i left her and went with u and i never told her we were done."

Alessia: "So this whole time u were lying?!"

Shawn: "Sort of.."

Alessia: (sighs) "Why do u keep lying to me, Shawn?"

Shawn: "I don't know...i guess i get nervous when i tell the truth to u.."

Alessia: "How could be nervous of me?!"

Shawn: "Because u always get upset when i lie to u..."


Shawn: "Alessia calm down....i'm sorry..."

Alessia: "I don't know if I could just talk to u now.."

Shawn: "Please don't get mad at me, Alessia...I didn't mean to lie..."

Alessia: (sobs) "This whole time you've made me yell at Camila when i should've asked u, u were just there with me yesterday when i was fighting with Camila and u even stood up for me instead of just admitting that u were in a relationship with her..."

Shawn: "I'm not in a relationship anymore, i swear..."

Alessia: (sobs) "Then why does she keep yelling at me doing all these selfish things at me?!"

Shawn: "Because she's jealous!"

Alessia: "I honestly don't know who to believe anymore...."

Shawn: "Stay with me, Alessia...believe me.."

Alessia: "Why...you've lied to me so many times..."

Shawn: "I know Alessia...I'm so sorry...i feel terrible and i know it's wrong to lie..."

Alessia: "I don't know if i want to talk to u right now..."

Then, Camila walked in.

Camila: "You shouldn't talk to him.."

Shawn: "Camila, leave."

Camila: "Oh why?"

Alessia: "Camila, what are u doing here?"

Camila: "U are doing the right thing."

Alessia: "I want to know the truth now..."

Shawn: "Before high school started, me and Camila were friends. We would always be there for each other and we would always cheer each other up. Me and her were in pretty good terms. We would take pictures together and have parties together. But when u came to the school, i had a crush on u and i couldn't take my mind off of u."

Alessia: "But Camila, why do u hate me? I still wanna understand what i've done to u."

Camila: (sobs) "Because Shawn was focused on u more than me...he didn't even tell me that u two were dating..and when i saw u two together, i got so jealous and started doing bad things to u.."

Alessia: "If Shawn was your boyfriend, u could've just told me.."

Camila: "I've tried so many times to tell u..."

Alessia: "But I wouldn't listen.."

Camila: "Exactly..."'

Alessia: "I could tell that u were pretty upset..."

Camila: "I was upset and i felt horrible..."

Alessia: "I honestly feel so bad right now for not listening to u...if i could right now, i would change everything on that day...i'm sorry.."

Camila: "No...don't apologize, i am the one that should apologize...I was being selfish, i should've been happy for u guys instead of trying to tear u guys apart...i'm so sorry for everything that i've done.."

Alessia: "It's ok..there's still chance for me to forgive u..."

Camila: "Shawn...u could be with Alessia anytime u want..she's your girlfriend and i know u love her...so please stay together. I will no longer try to get involved in your relationship with Alessia. I owe you."

Shawn: "Me and u could still be friends if u want."

Camila: "Yes that would be nice."

Shawn: "We could all hang out later if u want.."

Camila: "Yea but right now, i need to wash my face."

Alessia: (laughs)

Camila: (smiles)

Camila left to the washroom to go wash her face.

Shawn: (smiles) "Wow you guys made up pretty quick."

Alessia: (smiles) "I know i wasn't expecting it to be so quick but i'm glad everything is good now.."

Shawn: "Are u actually going to be friends with Camila now?"

Alessia: "If she wants to be friends then we can..but we don't have to. We could just say hi and smile at each other and we won't communicate with each other."

Shawn: "Ok I hope she's really sorry for what she said though.."

Alessia: "Well she did look pretty upset when she said it..so probably not."

Shawn: "U have a point.."

Alessia: "Yea."

I came home after school and did homework. I texted with Shawn for the rest of the day and he was pretty funny and sweet. Our chat was really fun. I spoke with three of my friends. Corina, Olivia and Chantelle. After that, I went to bed because i got pretty tired. School makes me tired easily so that's why i go to bed quickly.

A/N: End of chapter!!

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