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Henry was perfect. He had his large grin which could inflict happiness on anyone who saw it. His greenish eyes which shone in the sunlight and gleamed even in the dark. Henry had his short brown hair too. The different lengths which he always messed with. Henry never saw his perfection. That's one thing I miss, his face when he would look in my Mirror and get annoyed at his imperfections. I would always disagree which would follow in him glaring at me. Only that before he would crumble and laugh. I loved those days. The days we could go for walks and just talk about everything.

My favourite days were the days I wouldn't want to leave my large comfy bed, but he'd somehow convince me. He would show up all dressed and ready, give me his best disappointed look before diving next to me. He always smelt amazing too. He had the same smell which I can't describe but you wouldn't want to turn away from.

I wish Henry knew how special he was. Most of all I wish I could tell him, what I would give to see him again. I couldn't give 3 words to describe Henry perfectly. There were too many to assign to him; he was amazing, funny, kind, friendly and confident. I could go on forever. Henry was the type of person to give everyone a chance, he never judged someone for anything. He would let anyone be his friend but was cautious to giving too much. Henry was a happy person, generally. Wore a smile all day through school, only ever letting it fall if he was truly disappointed, by which was never.

I think the only time I've seen Henry sad or beside himself was after kyra. His first girlfriend. She was tall, pretty and cool. They weren't the most alike but neither cared. Kyra has long brown hair, which always looked flawless, her natural beauty never failed her even on a bad day. Henry's favourite feature was her eyes. So dark blue they didn't look real. They gleamed at every look she gave and mixed perfectly with her style. He liked her a lot and they were together for almost a year. I certified as the third wheel most days but otherwise I gave them their space. Kyra was a new girl and Henry was her first friend. Like I said, gave everyone a chance. She spent every lunch with us and after a few months, they both admitted to liking each other. I didn't find it awkward sitting with them two because Henry wasn't like that, he always made me comfortable and part of the group. The break up was Henry's most vulnerable time. Her father decided they were moving to America. As fast as lightening she was gone, and it was me and Henry again. Henry wasn't ordinary Henry though. He was different. Hurt and quiet. He barley spoke for some time. I wasn't ever told the full details of their end, they both didn't want to do long distance so made the best decision for both of them. As Quick as she arrived we were saying goodbye. Kyra still messages me sometimes but I had never told Henry. It took a few months before Henry edged out his shell and was his normal self again. I had missed the hair fiddling and jokes he always made. I had to keep myself happy for a while and lost on the person I complained to most. I didn't get my usual advice and morning visit. I checked in on him a lot but he kept his distance for a bit.

Henry and I weren't exactly popular but non unknown either. We would say hi to the usual people in the halls and talk to others in class but we always ended up back together. Whether that be lunch or walking home. The same routine didn't drive me insane because it wasn't so repetitive. Although everyday we slumped on my bed at the end we wouldn't do the same things. Sometimes we would pass out if it was tests days or do homework. My favourite days were when we had no homework and proceeded to watch movies and loose popcorn in my covers.
I can undoubtedly say Henry was my favourite person, and still is. It would help if he was here though.

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