Harry Trent

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Harry Trent. What an impressionist. I met Harry on November 3rd and he stayed with me for around 5 months.

Harry was my first real boyfriend. I had never really been a dating person. I kept myself to myself and Henry of course but I didn't really agree to go out to places and meet people.

I met Harry when I was in library finishing some French questions when he sat opposite me.

The movement made me glance up from my book to see this boy I'd never seen in my life. He had dark brown hair which fell over his face and short sides just above his ears. He had chocolate brown eyes that looked at me intently.

"Hope it's okay if I sit here" he had a cheerful smile and voice to match.

"Oh uh...ye...yeah" I stuttered immensely and just put my head back in my book to save further embarrassment.

"I'm Harry" I looked up fully this time as he still hadn't shifted his eyes.

"Lu" I did a small wave and normal smile before looking down once more.

I didn't lift my head but glanced up to see him pulling out a book and beginning to read it.

He was definitely cute, I'll admit that but I had other things to focus on.

It seemed like time went too fast as within what felt like seconds the bell was ringing and the silence changed instantly to loud chatter and footsteps of students making their way to classes.

I didn't shift, I had a free period first thing. Usually a first period i shared with Henry but now I just sat alone.

Harry didn't shift either. Although I glanced up and caught him looking around cautiously.

"No class?" I questioned without lifting my head. I'm surprised he even heard me.

"Uh yeah. I just don't know where to start. Out there looks like I'll get trampled" his voice was panicky and fast so I looked up to see his eyes darting over each bobbing head.

"Where is it?" I closed my French book and leaned on it.

"B11, Mr Hartley" he met my eyes and I noticed his face relax a little.

I smiled. He was so cute. "I'll walk you" I shoved my book in my bag instantly and threw the strap over my shoulder.

"Don't you have a class to get to?" He said as he packed up more carefully and slowly than I.

"Nope! Free period" I said that a little too enthusiastically but he didn't seem to make any reaction in his face.

"Cool. Thanks uh..." his eyes went into panic again

"Lu" I filled in casually

"Yep, Sorry Uh thanks Lu" he smiled nervously before placing his bag on his shoulder and gesturing for me to lead the way.

I stepped around the table to be beside him and nodded my head forward so we could go.

B11 was Far from the library so I wondered why he came all this way. This school wasn't very good at tours so any new students are in a whole new world their very first minute.

We walked casually through the halls and I kind of felt embarrassed at how boring this place was. The basic two colours every where the eye looked.

"This place is Uh...way different from my old school" He said carefully and I looked at him to see him staring around the halls.

"Where did you transfer from?" I let the conversation continue. Very unlike me. I never spoke to anyone anymore.

"Miles and miles away" he laughed softly to himself

"I hope you like it here" I looked at him walking beside me and he looked at me too. I felt my cheeks turn red. Damn it.

I heard him chuckle softly to himself because of how flushed I went. Damn it....he did notice

I just smiled nervously and our eyes didn't loose contact for a few more seconds. It felt weird talking to someone properly. It had been forever.

I couldn't help but keep glancing to my right every few minutes. He was just so so cute.

I'm not sure if he noticed, he glanced at me once which I saw and I darted my eyes away embarrassed.

We hung out at lunch later that day and the day after that and the day after that. For at least 2 weeks I spent my time with no one but him.

I definitely liked him. I liked the way he laughed and smiled and flirted with me.

Me having nothing to loose told him I liked him. Of course I expected him to back off and I'd be back to just Lu. That didn't happen though.

Cutie liked me too and since then, we've been Lu and harry. It felt natural with him and easy. I wasn't alone so much to think about Henry.

I could also tell him all about it. He understood and listened. He made me laugh and not feel so down about it too, it was just so, well easy.

He came round after school and on weekends we'd be able to go out and I liked him more and more each time.

Harry changed my life into less of torture. Him and his chocolate brown eyes and scruffy brown hair.

Goodbye HenryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat