Yoongi stared at Jimin for few minutes, awkward silence penetrated the place. Jimin lowered his head.

"I remember you" he muttered, before facing Yoongi again, a bitter smile on his lips.
"I don't know how, when or where but I do remember you, Yoongi. I known you from somewhere" Jimin didn't know that with those words, he was taking off the dust that piled on Yoongi's memories.

"Jimin, stop talking about this. It doesn't matter if you remember me or not. I have things to do, please go away. I explained enough about what you should do"
Yoongi gulped, turning away.

"It's your mission to help me. You aren't helping me when you leave, and I still didn't understand anything in this world" Jimin said a bit louder, putting his hand on Yoongi's shoulder. Yoongi felt tears brimming in his eyes for no reason.

He didn't want to see Jimin anymore.
Or, he just didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Jimin, get away from me" he calmly said, trying not to crack.
"You should help me. Please, Yoongi. I'm so lost and I need you" Jimin pouted, biting on his lip, and trying to make Yoongi face him.

"No" Yoongi simply shook his head and walked away.
He heard Jimin calling him, and he cried louder.

"You aren't just a jerk, you're a cold careless asshole too!" Jimin shouted, his voice cracking a bit at the end. Yoongi turned to see him one last time, to analyse his beautiful sad features, that he will stop himself from seeing from now on.

"I hate you!" Those were the only words that Jimin shouted, and that echoed in Yoongi's brain.

And that will be echoing in Yoongi's heart, soul and mind for all eternity.

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