A dream of adventures. Part 2 chapter 7

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US sans's perspective: I woke up today , woke up paps too.We both went to strawberry to check on her.Still asleep , even lazier than paps.I thought.Papyrus caled undyne and told her to come check out strawberry's leg.He told me to stay quiet and if undyne told me to do anything I do it.Undyne arrived and looked at strawberry. "She looks like Toriel." She said. "I thought so too." said paps.Undyne asked what he need her for again.Paps said she needed her to take a look at her injured leg.She told me I needed to wake her up.I then went over to strawberry and shook her a bit.She opened her eyes drowily. "Huh?" she said. "Who are you?" she continued. "Im undyne I heard your leg was hurt, mind if I take a look?" She replied. "Oh,"strawberry lifted up the blanket covering her so undyne could look at her leg." It's not broken , but its badly sprained, "she began," I could give you a shot to reduce the pain if you want. "She said." A s-shot? "Strawberry said." It wont hurt I promise. "Undyne replied." O-okay"Strawberry said. Undyne took a needle and slowly injected the medicine.Strawberry started breathing heavily the whole time. AS Toriel's perspective : Once it was done she asked where she was. "Your in Underswap,snowdin." Papyrus said. "Whats Underswap?" She asked."Its an AU there are different ones all across the universe.You kinda look like your from Alterswap."Papyrus said.I told them I dont know which one Im from and asked if they could tell me what Alterswap was like. "Well theres a goat in a purple jacket.And another one that looks just like you.Snowdin looks the same, and so does everything else pretty much." Papyrus said. "Yes!Im from Alterswap!" I said. They said they could get me there, and I asked how.They told me to just lay down and relax.I did as I was told, and shortly passed out afterwards.

Alterswap: Before The Human : As Told By AS Toriel And Asgore.Where stories live. Discover now