Apples 1

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I tripped over my feet,

trying to catch up to my mother pushing the dinky cart with bent wheels and lose screws.

I have admired my mother, for as long as i can remember.

shes been on a mission,

she walks with pride. walks with a purpose,

i want that purpose.

shes beautiful, i look just like her, but im not beautiful.

green- green- so green eyes, and purple- no dark brown hair.

hair light enough not to be considered black but dark enough not to be considered blonde.

ive seen burenttes, but they dont look like my mom.

dimples, in the grumpiest faces my mother has dimples.

i have them too me and my mother have the same features.

everything the same,

like i got all 46 traits-

just from her.

i know this isnt true, but i have no father to confirm anything else.

not true- i have a father,

but he isnt around.

mom stops, food isle ; frozen foods.

i turn leaning on my back foot, looking around, to past time-

There isnt very many people here just the locals.

the eldery, the freshmen school shopping exicted and giggly-

i wish i still got that happy for school.

then i spot him, red hoodie.

his hands shoved in his pockets,

his height at least 6'2. i shudder, my 5'1 frame could never-; 

his chin tilted up almost arrogantly, was this boy arrogant?

his wide shoulders and his tiny- but not too tiny waist.

an athletes body, but i could tell he wasent a sporty type.

arielle, arielle- arielle!

mom was calling me-

i turned around quick she was holding 2 bags of fruit.

i chose the pineapples and resumed my look at hoodie boy;

red hoodie boy wasn't in the same spot.

he was closer 5 ft away; how did he get here? did he teleport?

he was leaning over one of shelf grabbing an apple his hands out of his pocket i could see black ink traced all over his knuckles and fingers, up his wrist.

they looked as if they went on forever

my hand twitched to trace the artwork on his body canvas.

i grabbed my hand to resist the urge.

he stood up my eyes slowly following the apple as i stood 5 ft away from him,

my eyes raised when he brought the apple up to his mouth and bit into it.

trapping my eyes into his as he stared at me;

that has to be one of the hottest things ive ever seen-

apple still in his mouth,

he squinted at me

his light light eyes percing into mine

his bushy- yet neat eyebrows folding over them.

he slowly brought the apple away from his mouth slowly chewing,

he took his eyes off me slowly examining the damage he did to the fruit.

small in his giant hands he looked almost pleased with his work.

he turns his attention back towards me ;

i just now realizing how tall he his

i strain my neck just to meet his gaze

"want some?"

he ask his voice deep and raspy.

he almost whispers to me hes grining-

no smirking at me as his brows furry;

hes challenging me .

arielle isnt gonna lets some freakishly tall giant of a human push her around

i acted impulsivly.

i grabbed the apple from his hands staring at him;

took a bite out of it,

still staring at him.

not a bite on the oppisite side-

thats a pussy move, but a bite into his bite.

i could taste him, minty-

its early he must brush his teeth.

i dont know why im surprised,

he looks down at me his brows twitch hes almost looked - shocked- impressed- scared? doesnt matter;

i took a bite, chewed, and handed it back to him.

he smirks shaking his head letting out a low throaty laugh-

he leans down to ear

i could smell his shoulder and his hair,

it smelled dangerous and beachy.

like a happy curse,

he whispers his minty fresh breath stinging my earlobe

"Do you always take bites out of other peoples food?"

i was breathless my heart quickened,

i looked anywhere but in his eye

"only when they're offering"

i say-

he backs away leaning up to the potential of his full height.

he snatches my hands up,

his hands rough and about 2x the size of my own.

his suddeness yanks me forward

he glares down at me and shoves the half eaten apple back into my hands-

was he angry? why was he angry?

i stand there looking into his chest-

he walks away never looking back.

now, i was pissed off

i tossed the apple into the nearest trash can and walked away.

back to my mother-

Hey everyone! It's me the author this is my first story tho I have tired writing books before so please be patient with me. They way I'm writing this book is a weird way, I'll admit it uses lots of  semi colons; comas, dashes- and repeated it emphasized words. So please bear with me I've never written like this before though I think it's really cool ! Also please give me ideas for future chapters!  I have prewritten most of them however I'm willing to add personally characters and ideas since this is my first book. Pleaseeee enjoy it also, I'm not writing this book on Wattpad but another website and pasting it here so my grammar and spelling won't be perfect but like I said bear with me.
That's all! Thank you, and enjoy fresh feelings !

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