Tour Guide 4

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Im not afraid of him,
Im wont be afraid of him.
never ever ever-

he thinks he can boss me around?
who does he think he his?
he doesn't even know me!

i have never been scared of anyone!

and i wasn't about to start with asher fucking Anderson.

he makes me so angry.

i wanted a mystery,
i wanted my memories!

but he isn't worth it-

not in the slightest-

he might be worth it,
what if he is worth it-


what if hes worth it?


what if hes-

everything vibrates;
im shocked back into reality i stare at the source,
my Spanish teachers vainly hands rest onto of my desk-

she must've slammed her hands down.... was she calling my name?
i thought i imagined-

" Arielle drupes! are you listening to me??"

Mrs Hernandez leans her face down in front of my line of vision she tilts her head as her cheata print glasses practically fall off her face and her unnecessarily long dangly earrings get caught in the long dark curls beside her ears;

i cough

"ahem, yes Mrs Hernandez?"

she squints at me stands up straight and folds her arms

"el director quisiera verte"

director- director? the principal?

"si lo siento de nuevo señora hernández"

i mutter a yes and a quick apology in response.

i grab my things and take the long long walk down the  long long empty hallway into Mr traversals office,

i dont bother knocking since he called me down anyways.
i swung the door open a little harder then expected i guess my energy was a little too high walking in here because the door threw itself open and hit the left side wall,
shaking some shelves but luckily- not breaking anything in the process.

Mr traversals seems especially shocked at the doors action because his glasses fall off his face and my name bolts out of his mouth

"Mrs. dupes!"

i grumble

"sorry sir, i didnt expect the door-"

im cut off

"thats enough mrs. dupres!"

he cuts me off-

was i in trouble?
i haven't done anything wrong.
i dont think ive done anything wrong.

my eyes glance down to an acupied chair infront of mr traversals desk-

asher was sitting there, arms crossed with a smug look on his face.

you have got to be kidding me-

"have a seat, mrs. dupres"

mr traversal gescheters to the empty seat next to asher; i sigh, but comply as i set my bag down and cross my legs.

i caught asher out of the corner of my eye, eyeballing my knee- my exposed knee; i shouldn't of worn a skirt.

"so mrs. dupres any idea why mr. anderson hadnt recived a tour this morning like he was suppoused to"

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