Canbury 2

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teenagers here In canbury jersey are nosey to an extreme;

everyone knows everyone;

everyone knows who everyones dating and eveyone who got dumped.

everyone knows everyones birthday-

everyone shows up to everyones birthday party.
weather you want them too or not-

they will definitely show up.

everyone knows about every party;

everyone shows up to every party.

everyone gets drunk;

everyone has sex.

everyone has dirt on everyone,

everyones sleeping with everyones boyfriend;

everyone has there own sort of drama.

there are no "lozers" here in canbury new jersey;

dont ask me how or why not-

not everyone hangs out with everyone.

but everyone has friends,

or atleasts thats what it seems like.

school starts again in exactly 96 hours 23 minutes and 69 seconds in counting.

school here is eh- its ok

its not crazy clique love story highschool musical breakfast club glee riverdale 13 reasons why; type of highschool

itll never be.

canbury is great, for a while atleast;

untill everything seems to move in slow motion.

time stops in canbury-

time feels like its getting slower in canbury-

time slows down in canbury.

in canbury theres always something to do;

always and arcade within walking distance,

always a park down the street,

always a baseball basket ball football game going on.

all year long- 24/7 canbury is perfect.

And i  hate it-

deeply with a passion;

no i dont hate canbury

i just want something diffrent.

im tried of waking up every morning to walk my dog with a smile plastered on my face waving to mrs.torahill and her 6 kids, 3 neices, and 5 newphews. whos shes always agreeing to baby sit because shes way to nice of a person.

im tired or going to everyone's party's,

to everyone's birthday partys,

to everyones babyshowers party ,

to everyones gender reveal party,

to everyones get well soon party,

to everyones welcoming party,

to everyone and there mom-dad-aunts-uncles-neices-newphes- daughter-son-brothers-sisters-grandma-grandpas-dogs-cats-fishs-turtles party.

everyone in canbury seeks VALIDATION

they need everyone going to their partys to remind they there arent alone.

to remind them, they have friends.

they give them a reason to live-

and i will never understand it;

never ever ever.

i will never need to depend on anyone other then myself

ive had 2 bestfriends since 4th grade.

like i said, everyone in canbury has friends.

yet im still independent-

never have depened on anyone yet,

everyone else here depends on others to live .

I will never understand that.

no body is mean to one another in canbury;

at least not in public.

because everyone needs everyone to show up to there partys and get togethers.

u might not like someone but u still want them on your guest list.

thats how things work in canbury-

how they always have,

how they always will-

Or at least how they did.

Hey! It's me again, how was this chapter ? It's meant to give more background on Arielle
so you guys understand why she thinks and feels a certain way, this is shorter then the last one Ik! The next one will be longer. Thank you ! Enjoy fresh feelings!

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