One Time Thing 5

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As I trotted back into math classes- my feet couldn't move any slower then they already were.

this had to be similar to the walk of shame, right after you had a night full of passion then were told to "get out before my wife comes home" id never felt it- but this feeling had to be similar.

all it took was for asher to walk away and I had already changed my mind.


not even formally met,

i had already blew up on him.
i had already embarrassed myself.

forget everything-
i wanted-
i needed-
i need to get out of canbury.

he was my ticket-
he is my ticket.
but im not sure if hes worth it;

i had trotted into math class.
all eyes on me-
everyone knew where i was.
theres no doubt-

i had no friends in this class' yet.
after i handed mr.thompomilis my pass and headed to my seat.

delilah endrodo leaned both of her arms on our desk and leaned in as if i was obligated to tell her anything. she leaned in tossed her apple sause colored hair over her left shoulder, her naturally wavey hair had been straightened.

i could predict this -
the first day of school- 
and prom would be the only time she put efort into her hair.

she was wearing an off the shoulder black top with a gold necklace with an heart charm.
she was sitting-
i didnt know what pants she had on.

delilah is concidered pretty- to an extent,
not the prettiest but only becuase pubertys still working on her.

in 8th grade when nothing was more beautiful then a bone skinny brat with smooth skin and eyeliner, thats when she was the prettiest.

but now-
finally going through what most girls experienced in junior high delilah had acne around the bridge of her nose and eyebrows, her clothes akwardly fitting since shes just starting to grow out of them.

she didnt know how to use makeup since just eyeliner isnt cutting it anymore, so theres some lighter spots of her tan skin seen around her face.

thats one thing she did this summer, tan.

with her dark complection and her apple sauce hair she had this exotic look that still clacified her as pretty.

in the growing years when shes got out of this akward phase delilah will become the prettiest again.

and everyone knows that- even delilah herself,

"arielleeee, so how is he?" i cringe as she akwardly holds out the e sound at the end of my name.

but im thankful that she didnt try to make small talk with me and got straight to her point-

when she talked i noticed soemthing, she got her braces off-
she still had a gap.

"how is who?" i asked- i knew who she was talking about,

"the new boy duh! whats his name" her eyes shifted to left-
she knew his name


"yeah him! whats he like?"

"hes, pretty normal" lies

"really? he seemed i dont know..... diffrent ?" of course

"yeah i got that same vibes but hes pretty normal"

"are you sure? cuz like i heard about yalls little fight" oh shit

"oh, yeah that was nothing i just got a little heated. i apologized were good" another lie

"ok.... well does he have a girlfriend?" how should i know

"i dont think so....."

"really? cool because i was gonna try him out, unless u wanted too..."

she raised an eyebrow out me. i flinch it takes averything in me not to scoff.
i knew girls like her and even if i told her  was madly in love with that wasnt going to stop her from going after him. if anything her asking is basically tellimg me to back off.
what i say now doesnt matter

"no thanks"
she smiles at this,

exposing her gapped teeth once more she seems pleased with my submissive answer ¨great¨

at this she turns back around facing the teacher. as her head turns to the front, so does everyone elses they were listening.

about 48 ears had just heard our conversation. i didnt know how i felt, sure i didnt say anything embarassing really.

but delilah basically put a collar on asher for this whole class to hear.

soon, once this bell rings the whole school- or sooner i glance at the quick fingers under the desks typing away messages im almost certain were about me. no, im being vain they werent about me- but about asher.

im walking now, trotting out of math class were i failed to learn much of anything for the first day.

eliza by my side, she hadnt said a word to me but us walking together seemed much of tradition.

if i didnt know any better id say she was pissed off at me, however
when eliza has something to say- she says it. communiction has never been an issue in our relationship,

what eliza was doing wasnt giving me the silent treatment. she was thinking, thinking about? i dont know-

¨what are you thinking about ?¨ she looks over at me now, the stars in her dark eyes had vanished her dark curly hair falls over the pale skin on her shoulder.

"well obviously what happened this morning, and- holden!"

"holden?" i asked confused, shes not looking at me anymore.

her eyes have widened and shes looking straight ahead. holden face is an angry color of red as hes stomping towards us now. he stops, right infront of me.

"where were you" i squint my eyes at him


"dont play games with me right now arielle, i was waiting for you and you werent there!" righttt holden agreeded to walk me from spanish class this morning in the car.

"i had to give a tour" i say, sturtting past him. what i didnt expect was from him to yank my arm back pulling me infront of him again.

"what is it holden??" his grip on my bare skin was starting to hurt-

"Im sorry, text me next time. i was worried about you" his mood changes and his eyes soften his once deadly grip had now become soothing as he rubs his thumb on the pocket of my elbow.

whats up with him? he never used to yell at me before.

"alright....." i look down and away from him,

in the akward silence. he lets go he clears he throat a little and walks away from me.

i didnt notice my cheek was wet, not compeletly, just a little- a drop. i tear drop, i quickly wiped off the little drop of weakness.

crying for me nessicarly isnt rare; but that doesnt mean i can tolerate it.... i speed walk away now, not to my next class. witch explains the wind carrying elizas voice tickling my ears violently as she calls my name.
eliza stops at the classroom door,

i dont. i keep walking.

Yo. It's been a while .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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