Chapter 5: Sophie The Terrible

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The cool night air looms as the night begins grow in darkness, a makeshift hut, made from mud, leaves and twigs, Sophie sleep. Also covered in mud and leaves, she awakens to some passerby, recognizing one of them. Sophie leaps up from her hut and confronts them. "I got you now, vampire!" she calls out.

Skye looks over at Sophie, she is covered in mud and leaves, "again?" Skye asks, 

Sophie draws her sword, "I'll have you this time, beast!" she calls out. 

Skye holds up her arms in defense, "alright, let's have a go!" she replies.

 Sophie tilts her head in confusion, "what's that?" she asks, pointing at Skye's false arm.

 Skye drops her arms in disappointment and sighs, "it's an arm I made from wood, gears and wire, where I put it together with magic, it's so that I have two functioning arms!"

 Sophie nods in understanding, "ah, got it!" she thrusts her sword toward Skye, "NOW DIIIIIEEE!!!" Sophie cries out.

Skye takes aim and shoots Sophie directly in the forehead with a crossbow bolt, Sophie drops to the ground immediately. Skye leans over Sophie's limp body, "it's also a crossbow!" she adds in, Skye starts to walk away.

Kriss, confusingly looks at Sophie, drooling and foaming at the mouth and then at Skye, "I thought you said we couldn't kill her!" 

Skye shrugs, "we can't, that's only temporary, she'll be fine." 

Jade stares at the fallen hunter, "should we?" she starts to ask, 

Skye dismisses her, "no, she'll be back on her feet soon, we better head off before she does."

Just as Sophie charges at the vampire, she is struck with a crossbow bolt, she falls into the soft, muddy ground as everything fades to black. Sophie opens her eyes and looks around, all around her is in ruin, what once was a castle is now a smoldering wreck, Sophie cracks her head up as she hears a scream, she starts to run toward it. Sophie runs as fast as she can, her eyes tearing up as she knows what's coming. Sophie arrives at the scene, she freezes in horror as she spots her father, dead. Sophie drops to her knees as tears flow down her face, she notices something move in the shadows, a girl, a vampire who appears to have one arm, it retreats into the darkness and Sophie is free to embrace her late father.

Sophie's eyes open as she thrusts herself up "FATHER!" she screams as she wakes, looking around she realizes that she was just unconscious due to the fight with the vampire, Sophie packs up her gear and holds out a picture of her father, she smiles, "I'll get her next time, dad!" she then puts the picture away as she slings her satchel around her, "now, where to?" she asks herself.

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