Chapter 10: The Full Moon Arises

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Kriss and Skye look in horror as Amber throws the man's limp body to the ground, Amber looks up at her companions, "now, let's wait for nightfall before we continue!"

When nightfall approaches, Amber heads outside, Kriss and Skye peruse. Amber turns to face the two, "you're no match for me, not even when I'm in this form!" she beckons out to them.

Kriss and Skye exchange glances, Kriss looks up at the full moon, her bones start shifting, her body morphing into something beastly, Skye levitates above the ground, it starts to rain heavily.

Amber throws her arms out in mockery, "pulling out all the tricks, just for me!?" she giggles, "that's not gonna work!"

Kriss lunges at Amber, her new strength, speed and size powered by the full moon, Skye begins to manipulate the weather.

Amber holds Kriss in her werewolf form, she smirks as she throws Kriss a few meters away, when Skye gets the opening she thrusts lightning bolts from the heavens directly at Amber. Amber laughs, "that's not gonna work against me!" she conjures up a fireball and throws it toward Skye.

As it impacts Skye, nothing happens, Amber holds up her finger, "right, vampire...immortal, I may have forgotten that."

Kriss recovers and tackles Amber to the ground, Amber throws Kriss toward Skye before using a wall of flame to escape.

Kriss rolls onto the ground as she reverts to her human form, "ah that's gonna bruise!" she moans, Kriss then looks at Skye, "any plans to stop her?"

Skye nods, "maybe, but it may not work!"

Kriss nods, "maybe's better than a no I suppose!"

Amber makes it to Yirema, "oh this'll be great!" she tells herself. She walks into the town and starts setting things on fire, "I think I might take my time with this one!" she indulges herself with the slow slaughter and murder of civilians.

Hours pass, Skye and Kriss make it to Amber's bloodbath, Amber laughs as she watches the two monsters enter the town, "you're too late girls!" suddenly Amber is jolted out of Jade's body and a glyph around the town begins to light up.

A large demon-like creature begins to fade into existence in the middle of the town, "WAY TOO LATE!!" the demon laughs, "YOU COULDN'T EVEN STOP ME FROM SUMMONING MY TRUE FORM!"

Skye steps closer, "stop you from being summoned, yeah!"

she holds out a knife and slices Kriss' hand, "but we can stop you from being summoned here!"

Kriss' blood drips into the blood filled streets of Yirema, Amber shouts in disgust, "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!"

Skye smirks, "we ruined you ritual with tainted blood, monster blood!" Skye holds out her hands, "that's why you never killed us at the other towns, if monster blood was mixed in, your plan would fail!"

Amber roars in anger as she is surrounded by light and vanishes. Skye takes a deep breath in, "ah thank fuck that was it!"

Jade walks up to Skye and gives her a hug, "thank you for fre-" she is cut off by a blade penetrating her heart. A mysterious stranger stands there, his black scarf flowing in the wind,  he unsheathes one of his swords from Jade's body and combines it with another sword, stringing it, crafting it into a bow.

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