Chapter 9: Path To Sorrow

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The bright moon looms over the dark night, Kriss looks up and smirks, "tomorrow's a full moon!"

Skye looks over at Kriss, "isn't there a thing with werewolves and full moons?" she asks.

Kriss nods, "Yeah, normally we have enhanced senses, fangs and claws," she stands up, "but on a full moon, "Kriss helps Skye to her feet, "we become much more powerful, transformation and all!"

Jade walks out the door, "hey guys it's night, we should leave now!"

Kriss walks up to Jade, "did we find out where the cultist lives?"

Jade nods in response, "it's a place close by."

The trio make their way toward the town's exit, at the gate stands a lone figure, Kriss cocks her head back, "argh, not again!"

Sophie stands there glaring at the trio, she draws her sword and points it at Skye, "FOUL BEAST!" she starts to rant but is quickly interrupted by Skye.

Skye rolls her eyes, "we don't have time for this, Sophie!"

Sophie takes a step closer, "what is SO important!?" she paces closer and closer, "do you have another child's life to RUIN!?" tears start to well up  in her eyes, "well I can't let you do that, NOT AGAIN!!"

Skye holds her face in her hand and sighs, "Sophie, I didn't kill your father!"

Sophie barks back in anger, "YES YOU DID!" she waves her sword around, "I WAS THERE, IT WAS DARK BUT THERE'S ONLY ONE VAMPIRE WITH ONE ARM!!" she points to Skye's left arm, it being crafted from various materials.

Skye snaps her head up, "you were there!?" she questions.

Sophie nods, "I was there when you killed Daniel Serenia, my father!"

Skye holds her left arm up, parts shift, making a crossbow, Skye takes aim, "just let us pass!"

Sophie grabs her satchel, "No you don't understand!" she holds a bottle of clear liquid, "YOU KILLED MY FATHER!"

Sophie takes aim as Skye screams out, "HE WAS MY FATHER TOO!!"

The night grows silent, Sophie stands there in silence, "I know your tricks vampire,"she clenches her fist, "I hate liars, and liars who manipulate and take advantage of my kindness and limited intelligence," Sophie lifts her head up, tears covering her face "don't bother trying your tricks on me vampire!" She points her finger at Skye, "you've done enough manipulating for once, get out of this town!"

Skye stares at Sophie, "I wish it wasn't true either." she whispers as Sophie lets her pass.

As the trio pass Sophie, the rage inside her builds up, the three monsters continue their devious quest. Sophie stands there in the rain, once again, all alone.

The trio knock on an old wooden door, "hello, anyone home?" Kriss bellows out.

A voice responds in a delighted manner, "oh yes, of course come in!"

The girls walk into the old shack as the sun begins to rise, there sits a middle aged man in dark grey robes, "what can I do for you ladies?" he leans back in comfort.

Skye cuts right to the chase, "we need you to unsummon the demon known as Amber!"

The man holds his hand up, "ah...we were supposed to summon a different demon," Kriss tilts her head in confusion, the man continues to explain, "well not only are the spells in a forgotten language, they're cursive too, some letters look like others and all that!"

Jade walks up to the man, "this was by ACCIDENT!?" she shoves him.

The man rubs some dirt off his robes, "well you might not be able to unsummon her but her true form would be transported here with the blood of the pure, if you-" he is cut off by Amber's arm bursting through his chest.

Amber crushes his heart, "now, now, you've said enough!"

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