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Fluuuuuuff also maybe slight angst but not lots :) your welcome also anyone know wtf is happening in that picture?

"Nerris! You coming in?" I heard gwens voice ring out into the air over the pattering of rain on the dirt ground. I smiled shaking my head and she shrugged rushing the last of the campers into the mess hall. It was only rain. I didnt understand the big deal. I tilted my face upwards smiling at the cold droplets hitting my skin. After a moment I started making my way over to the stage for somewhere to sit.

Stopping in my tracks I stared at the form sitting on one of the benches. Their shoulders were hunched and shaking as they sobbed into their hands. I walked closer quietly and noticed the hat discarded next the to boy and frowned. Slowly I reached out my hand amd placed it on his shoulder making him jump.

"Harrison?" I said quietly and his arm quickly moved up to wipe his tear stained cheeks even though the rain was still pouring down onto them.

"H-hey Nerris" he forced a smile onto his face although it looked forced and uneasy. He pulled away from my touch and I dropped my arm with a frown.

"What's wrong?" I sat down next to him and he looked away from me quickly. I sighed and looked down at tue ground.

"Its nothing nerris. J-just leave" Harrison finally spoke and I just shook my head. I opened my mouth to respond but he just stood up. "Fine" he started to walk away but I jumped up and grabbed his wrist.

"Jesus Harrison just tell me what's wrong!" I didn't mean for my words to come out so harsh and it even startled me. Harrison flinched at my tone amd looked like he was about to burst into tears again. Without thinking I pulled him into me and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Wha-" he stiffened slightly and I pulled away crossing my arms. He looked down at me with wide eyes stepping back slightly. My frown returned and I had to look away from him to keep from crying myself at the action. It shouldnt have hurt me this much but knowing that he hates me too stung. I swiped my arm over my eyes lowering my eyes to the ground.

I jumped as I felt harrisons arms wrap around me bringing me back into him. I wrapped my arms around his waist once more and buried myself in his chest sobbing quietly. He just rubbed slow circles into my back until I calmed down and continued even after that. Im not sure how long we stood there like that but we didn't pull away from the other until we heard David calling our names to get inside before we caught colds.

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