1| The First Encounter

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-Whatever decision you'll make today, you should think of it wisely so you'll never go wrong in the future.                          @sweetdreamer33 from Clashing Hearts.

As the bell finally rung, indicating the end of another hectic school day at Westchester High, everyone got up from their chairs and made their way towards the door. I got up as well and grabbed my bag, breathing out a sigh in frustration.

"Don't forget about the test on Friday," the teacher spoke loudly before anyone could leave the classroom "And remember students, study smart, not hard."

As I left the classroom, I have already seen some of my classmate's parents lingering in the hallway of my form class. Just the mere sight of them makes me sick, knowing that my mother is unable to attend this meeting, due to an important work appointment. However, I understand that my mother was always a person with big dreams, but the most important one of all, is to create an outfit line featuring a developed artist/model that shows pure dominance, a lady like Jeneifer Lopez and I couldn't let her miss an opportunity like that just for a SAT meeting.

However, even though I knew it was best for her business and our family, it still hasn't eased the pain I had felt. The horrible feeling, of knowing that my dad was no longer alive to come to these meetings when mom couldn't, to take me to the ocean, to educate me about life and to be there for me like he once was.

From my peripheral vision, I can see my bestfriend Sabrina running down the hallway to catch up with me.

"Hey, Thelma is your mom coming to the SAT meeting?" Sabrina asked, after letting out a tired sigh. "No, you know how she is, she has work stuff to take care of." As we walk through the school's exit door, I noticed that Cody had already been waiting for us in the school's parking lot.

"Hey guys!" Cody shouted while waving to us.
"How was physics class today Cody? Still bothering Ms. Douglas?" I asked as we approached him, while Sabrina giggled, "You know I am."

Cody is a tall, nice built, dark-skinned boy with brown honey coloured eyes, he migrated a couple years from Jamaica to come live with his parents. He's a bit of a trouble maker and class joke, yet he still manages to get good grades. I have known Cody from 4th grade elementary, turns out my mom and his parents went to college together. Occasionally, we have dinner together whether at my house or his, I guess it was just an tradition. But because of this same tradition, it brought us closer together and made Cody Jenkins aka Cj my bestfriend.

"Earth to Thelma," Cody shouted while snapping his fingers infront of my face "Yo, you really need to stop spacing off like that."

"Sorry." I replied sheepishly after noticing that they were both settled in the car and were waiting on me to to enter it.

"I've been asking you for hours where you're heading to so I can drop you off, So Thelma, tell me where will it be?" Cody asked, "The ocean? home or park?"

"Ughhh, could you just leave me off at the ocean?"

"Aww, man. I was really hoping you'd say home, we haven't hung out in a while and I'm dying to have some of Heather's cookies." Cody stated making me frown.

As the car begins to slow down, acknowledging me that I've reached my destination, I begin to gather my things and hop out of the car, while replying to his previous statement, "I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you guys, how about tomorrow we watch a movie at my place?"

"Sounds great!" Cody replied, while Sabrina only nodded her head as a sign of saying ok.

"Anyways, I'll see you guys tomorrow, bye guys!" As the car begins to drive away, I heard both Sabrina and Cody shouting back to me bye.

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