2| Olivia

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-One of the best feeling in the world is when you hug someone you love, and they hug you back even tighter.
@sweetdreamer33 from Runaway Fiancèè (Valiente #2)

As I burst through the doors of my home, I slammed the door shut so my presence could be heard. "Honey, I'm home!" I shouted to no one in particular, I've just always wanted to say that.

"Thelmaaaaaaa!" My little sister squealed as she came running towards me, "You're finally home, I missed you." She said while pouting with big, brown, sad eyes and hugging my waist, "But you saw me this morning, Olivia." Holding her in my arms and bringing her to the kitchen where I could smell the heavenly scent of freshly baked cookies. "Hey, that's a really long time." She pointed out.

Entering the kitchen, Heather began to speak acknowledging my presence, "Hey Thelma, How nice of you to join us." After rolling my eyes, I decided to ignore her as I placed Olivia back unto the floor and instead attack the new batch of chocolate chip cookies on the plate, placed directly in the middle of the counter top. "Heyyy!" Heather screamed while hurriedly running towards me with an annoyed expression, "I just baked those."

"No, shit." I replied sarcastically with a bored look on my face, I watched as Heather turned towards me with a stern look on her face, "Language Thelma!"

Cringing, I remebered that there was still an inquisitive six year old in the room, "I'm sorryyyy, Hea-" 

"What's a shit?" Olivia interrupted, asking Heather with a confused expression. I watched as Heather's pupil grew visibly larger, and facial expressions turned horrified as she mumbled something in spanish and shake her head vigorously from side to side, "Ohh no, I'm so dead." She took Olivia from the ground asking her if she wanted to go watch paw patrols as a distraction, then whispered to me, "I hope you're happy, Thelma"

Raising the cookie to my mouth and laughing, I answered. "Don't worry Heather, I am."

As I satisfied my stomach's needs, I remembered my previous conversation with Cody earlier this evening, and being the best friend that I am, I got up to grab the cookie jar, so I could store a couple in for both Sabrina and him. After doing this, I got up and began to walk towards my room, picking up my school bag from the bottom of the staircase.

Pushing open the door to my room, I could already smell the scent of vanilla hitting me as I stepped inside. Throwing my bag in the corner of my room, I jumped onto my bed feeling relieved to be back in my room after spending many hours outside. Taking out my phone from the back pocket of my ripped jeans, I browsed through instagram for a while and accepted a few requests until I grew tired of seeing various posts of both unknown and known people and random things. I got up with the thought of having a nice warm bath, as I entered my bathroom that was attached to my room, I turned on the shower and started to strip out of the dirty clothes I've been wearing all day.

Stepping into the bath tub, I felt more relaxed as the warm water splashed against my sticky, brown skin and the scent of my lavender body wash was present in the atmosphere. After taking a quick bath, I stepped out and started to dry my skin from all the water droplets. Entering back into my room, I pulled on a clean underwear, a 5 seconds of summer T-shirt and shorts. As I tried to listen to my surroundings, I could hear nothing but silence, so I left my room out of curiosity to check up on Olivia.

"Olivia?" I called out, only to be answered by silence.

Walking down the hallway, I stopped at the door for Olivia's room noticing that the door was cracked open, pushing my body between the space I peeked inside, and saw a sleeping Grace. Smiling to myself, I left and went downstairs to get some chocolate milk, so I would fall asleep quicker and was greeted by a bright pink sticky note on the refrigerator.

P.S. Thelma, Olivia fell asleep a couple minutes after watching re-runs of paw patrols. However, while she was watching the cartoon, I made some of my famous Mac & Cheese, I gave her some to eat and left some for you knowing you'd be hungry. I then came up to tell you that you should come have some to eat and that I was leaving, but I heard the shower on so I assumed you were taking a bath, and left a note telling you instead.

From: Heather♡

Crushing the note and throwing it in the bin, I laughed at the fact that Heather knew me so well even though I'm not the child she's babysitting, I'm always hungry. I once again went to the refrigerator but this time not just for some chocolate milk, but also for some of Heather's famous Mac & Cheese.

I threw myself a tall glass of chocolate milk, and took my fair share of Mac and cheese in a bowl. Sitting around the dining table, I hummed a song to fill in the empty silence while stuffing my mouth with the food and downing it down with some chocolate milk. After filling my stomach, with some of Heather's delicious, mouth watering Mac & Cheese, I went to the sink to wash the plate and glass from the food, grease and liquid then placed them back to their respective place in the dishwasher.

Rubbing my now satisfied tummy, I turned off the kitchen lights and moved towards my room, closing my door and turning off my room's light, I laid in my bed thinking about the fact that mom would be coming home late yet another night. Groggily stretching across the other side of my bed for my smartphone to check the time, I noticed that it wasnt as late as I had thought it was, and it was only ten minutes to nine. Sitting up, I reached for my laptop on my work desk, turned it on and clicked the Netflix application deciding to continue my Riverdale series until I fell asleep.


Is it just me or does Olivia just sound adorable? ^_^
Do you have any siblings of your own? How much?
Have you ever baby sat? How was the experience?

Okay yeah, I know that this chapter is shorter than the first and I'm sorry (if you have a problem with it being short). But, please remember to vote and comment, and that is if you want to. ☺


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