4| Lunch

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-You have to work hard, harder to reach to the top. The more struggles you experience, the more you would achieve your dreams. @sweetdreamer33 from Clashing Hearts.

Beeeeeeeeep !

"Ughhh," I groaned, while getting up from my bed glaring at the alarm my mom had bought and placed in my room for me, when she noticed that waking up late was becoming a bad practice of mine. Stopping the alarm from blaring in my ears, I got up getting ready to start my day off by doing some of my morning routines.

After I had my bath, I brushed my natural hair up into a side ponytail with the help of some eco gel (sighh, my saviour),  pulled on a navy blue sweater that said, 'too lazy to care' in white, cursive writing, a dark blue skinny jeans and a white converse. Taking up my phone from of my bed and bag from the corner of my room, I exited my room and closed the door. Running down the staircase, I entered the kitchen, watching my mom flip the pancakes in the frying pan in a yellow blazer and black dress. "Are you just going to stand there and watch me or are you gonna come join us for breakfast?" Mom asked, as I took a seat around the breakfast table beside Olivia, I notice her shift in her seat as she shouted, "Woahh, That's so cool mom!" Turning in my seat I looked at her, "You knew she was standing there before you even saw her, how'd you do that?!"

Rolling my eyes, I stated with air quotes "Mother's instincts."
Placing a dish infront of Olivia and I, she winked after saying "You know it." Looking down unto my plate, I smiled as I realized that even though mom may sometimes be absent during the evenings, she has never once missed breakfast, and on most mornings if she isn't trying something new, my breakfast dish would be filled with the same amount of food which consists of three pancakes, two sausages, a few bacons and an glass of orange juice or hot cocoa.

Digging in, I watched mom place her handbag on the counter top as she headed back into her office and returned with a few papers, glancing towards us, "You girls should hurry up, it's getting late." She stated while walking through the door in her yellow heels with her bag and car keys in her hand. Nodding in agreement, I finished up and carried both mine and my sister's empty dish towards the sink. "Olivia, go get your bag! We're leaving". I told her, while taking up my own. I watched as her little body ran to the living room and came back out with a matching purple knapsack on her back and lunchkit in her hand. Holding her hand, I led her through the door and closed it, hiding the spare key under a rock outside our garden which Olivia painted blue, absurd right? It was her idea but don't worry, other rocks are coloured in different colours too so it wouldn't be obvious.

I hopped into the passenger seat of mom's silver Lamborghini, while Olivia went in the back sitting in the middle,putting on her seat belt. As mom drove off I began to zone out, I looked through the window and watched the buildings move in a blur and the wind blow through the trees making them sway in different directions. As I heard mom's faint conversation with Olivia about her friends at school, I then remembered today's quiz. Groaning, I made a mental note to go to the library during lunch to study.

Catching my mom's gaze she asked, "Whats the problem? Why did you groan?" After frowning, I took a quick look at her and replied, "Its nothing really, I just forgot to study for a chemistry test today."

"Are you going to be okay?" She asked, with worry present in her voice. Feeling the car slow down, I looked around our surroundings to see that we have already arrived at Hell Hole High, grabbing my things, I got out and answered her question, "Don't worry mom, I can study in the library at lunch."

"Ok, bye honey! I hope you do good on your exam and have a great day. I love you!" She shouted as I left the car.

"Don't worry mom I will, and I love you too." I declared, "Bye Olive!" I watched as Olivia leaned forward in her seat at the call of her nickname to get a better view of my face, "Bye, Thelma." She said, while waving to me.

Walking to the school doors, I saw Cody standing by them looking around impatiently. As he spotted me out of the crowd, I saw him let out a sigh of relief.


"Well, hello to you too Cody."

While hurriedly walking towards my locker I asked out of curiousity "Hey, have you seen Sabrina?"

"No, but she probably came before me, you know she's too much of a goody two shoes to be late for a class."

Closing my locker, I looked on Cody and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, you're right. We should probably get to English class, Mr. Kowalski always gets cranky when we're late for his class."

As Cody opened the class door I walked closely behind him, and began to look through the rows of desk for Sabrina, until my eyes settled on a pair of forest green eyes, freckles across the nose and long brown hair with bangs, Bingo, I found you! I sat in my usual seat beside Sabrina and began to settle down with Sabrina seated on my left and Cody behind me.


Turning to my left I saw a pair of eyes staring intently at me, "Why were you guys late?... again"

Shrugging, I replied "I was running late."

She stared expectedly at Cody, "What? I was waiting on her. It's her fault."

I rolled my eyes and stared at him as if I were saying 'are you serious?' after hearing the lamest excuse in the book of lame excuses, sure blame me, it's not like I told him to wait, he did it willingly.

"Okay, settle down students." Mr. Kowalski shouted over the noise in the classroom while snapping his fingers to gain our attention. As the student's voices quieted he took the opportunity to continue, "Please open your text books to page 102 and complete exercises 1,2 & 4 on a folder leaf. It will be collected at the end of the session."

Letting out a loud sigh, I took out my tools and books prepared to start another long, educational day.


If I could hear some of you're thoughts and ideas for the story, that'd be so great. C'mon don't be shy.
Do you guys have breakfast with family?
Are you a morning type of person?
What do you like to have for breakfast in the mornings?
Are you one of those persons who are always punctual, or not?

Comment it, I insist.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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