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"Hello, Cullens," I announced, gliding into their living room. "It is I."

Rosalie blinked at me from the sofa. "Are you good?"

"Deliriously tired," I answered.

"How many bags do you need?" Emmett grumbled on his way in from the car, heading for the stairs.

"I have a baby, Emmett. It's not all my stuff!"

"You're here for three days!"

"Do you know how much babies shit? That's a lot of diapers!"

"He's getting big," Carlisle said approvingly, cradling Ethan to his chest and assessing him with an analytical eye. "Do you mind if I take his measurements?"

"Go ahead," I said, shooting him a smile. I found myself momentarily distracted by a little wave of sadness at the sight of a baby in Carlisle's arms—it was like that man was made to be a father, but he'd never hold his own child.

He took him down the corridor in the direction of his office, where—by the delighted coos that followed—I assumed he ran into Esme. I threw myself down on the couch beside Rosalie, jostling her slightly with my gumption and deepening her frown. She shifted to the other side of the cushion but didn't get up, which was progress.

Jasper shut the front door behind him, swinging the keys of my truck around his finger before tossing them up into the air, catching them in the other hand. He seemed to have had some sort of issue with my parking and had insisted on moving the truck. I was too tired to argue.

Emmett was back down the stairs in a flash, still muttering on about my surplus of luggage. "You're in my spot, Ginge. Hop it."

I scowled at him. "I'm a guest. Be polite."

"Aw, no, you're family now," he said sweetly. "So, get out of my seat."

I pressed a hand to my chest. "So, the claws come out."

"Do I have to physically remove you?"

"You can try-

The word dissolved into a mild shriek as I was scooped up from the couch and flipped on my head, before being turned the right way again and placed on my feet. Emmett settled on the sofa with a satisfied sigh and pulled Rosalie into his chest as I spluttered furiously.

"Emmett, you need to stop doing that," Jasper scolded gently.

"I gave her fair warning," he said with a shrug.

I was mildly stunned.

"Are you just going to let him do that?" I demanded, turning to Jasper.

He smirked. "You're an independent woman, you can handle him."

"What happened to, like, protecting my honour and shit?"

His eyes glimmered in humour. "I think you can protect yourself just fine."

"Who needs protection when your face is a form of contraception?" Emmett cut in, tone serious and expression innocent as he met Jasper's eyes.

The blond sighed. "Really, Emmett?"

He threw his head back in a cackle and I tried desperately not to laugh.

"Imogen," Jasper said, tone disappointed.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled, pressing a hand to my mouth. "It was just too good."

"The only time she'll ever say that," Emmett added, pointing at me.

Perspicuous (J.HALE)Where stories live. Discover now