Chapter 3 - Boyfriend... Or maybe not

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I was shocked, I can't believe we are neighbors and I never knew!
It's true that I don't really pay attention to the neighborhood... But still.

It was about 1 a.m now and I couldn't sleep, which is pretty normal for me since I have insomnia constantly. Usually when this happens, looking at the night sky helps me, don't ask me why, I just look at the stars and the moon and it helps me sleep better.

When I looked out of the window to admire the night sky I noticed that the lights on one of the rooms in Carl's house was on. I was trying to figure out whether it was his room or not, so I just kept staring. That's when I saw Carl, with his hands on his head, and it looked like he was crying. 

At that moment I really didn't know what to do. Should I text him? Should I call him? Should I pretend that I saw nothing and go to bed?

Moments later I was ripped out of my thoughts as I felt a gaze on me. It was Carl!!

He was staring at me, but not in a creepy way, it was almost like a "I need help" kind of stare, whatever that means.

He picked something in the middle of this staring game, it looked like a phone. The moment I thought that, I heard my phone vibrating on the table. It was a message from Carl.

"Can you come down? Need to talk to you - Carl"

"Hum, sure. 2 minutes. - Phil"

What was I supposed to say?! No?!

(About 5 minutes later)

I opened the door and I saw Carl sitting in the walkway.

"Hey Phil" he said with a "sad smile". You know what I mean? It's like the person is smiling but you know damn well they're sad.

"Hey Carl, what do you need to talk about ..." - I check my clock in a ironic way - "At 1:15 in the morning?" I said laughing a bit.

"It's about Ruth" 

When he said that he had kind of an angry tone to his voice. I wondered why?

"Okay, what is it?"

"I know you're her friend so I thought you could help ... You know what nevermind, i don't wanna bother you with it" As he said that he got up prepared to leave.

I grabbed his arm and said:

"Well I'm already down here, so I might as well help you."

He just stood there looking at me and the ground.

"She asked me to be her boyfriend."

Ouch, that felt like someone had stabbed me. WTF Ruth? You knew damn well I liked him!

Wait... did I just think that?

"What's the problem" I said completely ignoring my thoughts.

"The problem is that I said no" 

I don't know if this makes me a bad person but I was actually happy.

"Well is that really a problem? I mean ... We're in High School, that happens you know?"

"Yeah... But the problem is that she knows why... There's another person"

"Don't worry, I'll make sure she get's over it . She always does"

"You don't get it. That person is close to her and I'm afraid she's going to distance herself from that person out of jealousy. I don't want to destroy friendships you know?"

"I get it. If she does that, maybe it is for the better you know? I guess that friendship was not meant to be"

"I guess you're right"

"Is that really why you couldn't sleep. Cause your lights were still on" I said laughing a little bit.

"Yeah, I was just thinking that I was destroying a friendship you know? And that's like a huge no no"

"Don't worry man. You're not destroying anything because you don't like her. It's not your fault!!"

"I guess you're right... I should probably go, It's getting late and I have practice tomorrow"

"Yeah, I have to go too."

After that we were just staring at each other. It was extremely awkward.

"Well bye then Carl" I said breaking the silence.

"Bye Phil"

As I was entering my house I hear Carl calling me:

"Yo, Phil"


"Thank you." he said with a soft smile on his face.

"Anytime" I said smiling back.

When I closed the door behind me I fell to my knees, how can he have such an impact on me? I barely know him!!!

But I couldn't stop wondering if he really told me everything. It has to be something worse than this to put him on that state.

Anyways... I went to my room and It was 2 a.m already, so I went to bed, and this time actually fell asleep.


Hey guys!!! just a more "chill" chapter , hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to vote and comment anything you'd like.

Love you all!!!!!1!! <3

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