Chapter 4 - Friendship

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A couple weeks have passed, even though it felt like like an eternity. I hate school.
The only thing actually keeping me from going insane in this school are my friends.
One of the reasons is that my school is known as the gossipy school of the city and now that I'm in it I understand why.
Literally everyone in this school gossips about everything. That's driving me crazy!

Anyways, I'm at lunch break and alone... Which is not unusual but it still sucks...
I was at a quiet corner on the school, just listening to music and reading because I had no friends out of their classes yet, when I feel someone touching my shoulder. It was Ruth.

- Hey Phil. We haven't talked much lately, is everything ok? - she said whilst looking anxious as if my answer was the most important thing in the world right now.

- Hi. Yeah everything is just fine, why do you ask? - I said in the most neutral voice I could.

(I haven't talked to her much because she has become what I like to call... A BITCH... She's treating people badly, just partying and drinking and I know she has been doing drugs!)

- I don't know, we've just grown distant I feel like. Is it something to do with Car...

- No - I stopped her kind of embraced, because that was definitely one of the motives - I just haven't had much time, that's all.

- Oh ok, I just thought... Nevermind. So we're good?

- Yeah... We're fine...

- Great! See you around!

I know what you're thinking... "Why were you so fake?!"...
Look the answer is I don't know. I can't really be confrontational especially when it comes to friendships - even the ones that are kind of ending.

- Phil!! - I heard someone yelling and ripping me out of my thoughts.

- Yeah?! - I rose my head and was greeted with a big smile from a HANDSOME guy. It was Carl.

- You were so lost - he said giggling - It's kind of funny.

- What do you want? - I said in a playful manner

- Just to know if you want to come home with me walking today?!

- Sure - I said... I was probably so red, my face was burning and I was so nervous, why was he inviting me? He knows I take that way almost everyday! He could have just, you know, joined.
I laughed internally at my ridiculous thought process, he probably just wants to know if I'm going so he doesn't go alone. I'm such an idiot!

- Ok, see you there! - he said and then left.

I. Am. So. Nervous...

Hey my loves!!!!
It feels so good to be writing again.
Sorry for the delay, I just haven't been in the right mind space to write xD
I'm also sorry that the chapter is kind of short, it'll be better next time, I promise!

Hope you enjoy though!!
Don't forget to like!!

Se you on the next chapter, bye!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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