Chapter I

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It was a dark and cold night. A small breeze blew through the quiet forest causing the leaves to rustle. Silently, the silver haired vampire snuck through the underbrush. His red eyes glowed in the dark as he ran. Why was he running you may ask? It was because of hunters. Daniel, while being a vampire, never harmed humans unless they harmed him first. He had been watching his two unrequited loves from afar. A hunter with gold eyes who he named Gold Eyes and his partner Evernife.

Why did I have to fall in love with hunters? Why couldn't I have fallen for another vampire? They will never accept me.

The vampire smiles sadly and with a sigh he makes it over the last cliff of the mountain he had begun to scale to his home hidden at the top. His home wasn't much. Just a small cabin and storage area. He did have a farm of animals which provided him with his blood supply, but other than that, he didn't have anything. He knew he lost the hunters in the water. Unlike most vampires, he could swim and go out in daylight. The sun was beginning to rise as he made his way to his black coffin. He drank a bottle of blood from the small ice chest he kept in his house and went to sleep.

That evening he woke up to go out on his nightly excursion to watch the two hunters he had fallen for. He grabbed his cloak and crept out of his house and down the mountain to their usual campsite just outside a small village in the valley. He watched as the light from the fire created dancing shadows on the trees around them. He sighs and thinks to himself.

I wish I was human... Maybe then they would love me.

The hunters sat in silence, unaware of the young vampire who was watching them from behind a few trees about 100 yards away.

"This job is so boring!" Gold Eyes complained to his partner Evernife.

"I know. We have hardly seen any vampires all day. Not even that silver haired daywalker and we almost always see him." Evernife replies .

"Yeah. You're right. We haven't seen him since last night, after we lost him at the river. Maybe some other hunters got him?" Gold Eyes says glancing at Evernife.

"Serves him right! All vampires deserve to die!" Evernife shouts taking a swig from his flask.

"But have we ever seen him harm anyone? He always runs away when spotted. Even when we shoot at him, he doesn't try to fight back." Gold Eyes ponders for a moment.

"Hmm. That is true but he could be trying to trick us. Vampires have to drink blood to live. Why wouldn't he drink human blood? Don't all vampires love it?" Evernife asks  his partner.

"Well what if he drinks animal blood? It is possible. Maybe that's what he does at night. Collects animal blood..."


Evernife's response gets cut off by the snap of a twig. They both turn to see Daniel staring at them like a startled deer from behind his tree. Before either of them can say or do anything, he bolts off, running for the mountain.

"Let's cut him off and finally find out what he is. He isn't like any vampire we have encountered before." Gold Eyes says snapping out of his daze.

The two book it after him heading for a short cut up the mountain so they can catch poor Daniel by surprise.

Daniel on the other hand was climbing the mountain as fast as he could.

"Crap! I am such an idiot! How could I have been so stupid as to le-"

He freezes midsentence as he reaches the top just to see the two hunters there waiting for him. He backs up to the very edge of the cliff. There was a waterfall below so he could jump to make an escape.

"Oi! Don't go jumping on us. We just want to talk." Gold Eyes tries to reassure him.

"Yeah right," Daniel hisses,"Why should I trust you? As soon as I put my guard down, you'll kill me!"

Evernife and Gold Eyes put their weapons down and step back, hands raised in a sign of peace as Daniel's red eyes watch them.

"There. Now step away from the edge so we can talk. We just want to ask you a few questions."

Daniel eyes them carefully, but steps away from the edge.

"Fine. Ask your questions. Make it quick."

"Alright then," Gold Eyes claps his hands together enthusiastically before asking, "What is your name?"

"Daniel." The vampire replies.

"Hello then Daniel. I am Evernife and this here is my partner Zac." Evernife responds gesturing to Zac aka Gold Eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. On with the questions." Daniel says irritability while internally happy about learning Gold Eyes' real name.

"How come you can go out in the daylight?" Zac questions curiously.

"I do not know. I just always could." Daniel tells Zac.

"How can you swim? I thought vampires couldn't cross running water."
Daniel shrugs in reply.

"Finally," the two speak in unison,"How come you are always spying on us at night?"

Daniel hesitates before replying.

"I think the two of you are interesting." He says quickly.

"How so?" Zac questions , curious as to what the vampire meant.

"Like I said. I just thought you two were interesting, just as you seem to find me interesting."

"Who said we thought you were interesting?" Evernife asked with a raised brow.

"You were the ones who followed me up here and started to ask me questions. I believe that would mean you think I am interesting." Daniel deadplans.

"Mhmm...." Zac and Evernife hum.

"If we're done here, can I leave? I have other things to do before the sun rises. And before you say anything, just because I can go out without getting burned, doesn't mean the sun doesn't affect me."

"What do you mean by that?" Evernife asked him moving closer.

"Maybe next time if you catch me I'll answer. But until then, toodles!" Daniel says before bolting into the trees effectively escaping and returning home once more.

Upon arrival, he goes and collects some blood from his animals and places it into his ice chest before heading to his coffin.

Unknown to him, the journal he usually carries in his cloak fell out and was now in the possession of Zac and Evernife. And unluckily for him, the journal holds the truth to why he always watches them at night and has all the records of every night he watched them, including that night, along with how he felt, and every thought.
What will happen the next time they meet? Will the hunters confront Daniel? How will Daniel react? What will become of the trio after the hunters discover how their silver haired vampire stalker feels about them? Is there hope for Daniel, or will the last ember be snuffed out by the hunters in a cruel way? Only time will tell.

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