Chapter V

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The day went on slowly for the hunters as much didn't really happen. Zac checked on Daniel every couple hours just to find him curled up in his sleeping bag like a caterpillar in its cocoon. In his opinion, it just made the silver haired vampire look even cuter. Evernife would never say it out loud, but he had to admit to himself that with Daniel curled up like that, he looked sort of, maybe, kinda cute? He honestly didn't know. Up until this point he had thought all vampires were the same, but he was beginning to understand that Daniel was not like other vampires. Maybe Evernife could give it a go and try to befriend the friendly vampire. Though he would probably have to apologize for reading the journal and for how rude he had been previously. Evernife wasn't good with emotions. That's why he never told Zac that when they first met, he had had a tiny bit of a crush on him. The crush grew as time went by, but he never said anything in fear of ruining his one good relationship. Because of the fact he typically sucked with emotions, most friendships he had had prior to Zac ended within days of them starting. Evernife couldn't risk losing his only friend.

Zac always was one for freely expressing how he felt. Well...most of the time. He actually had a crush on Evernife, but because Evernife sucked with emotions, Zac decided to keep it to himself. He didn't want to freak his friend out or cause unneeded tension in their friendship. Evernife meant the world to Zac and he would be shattered if he lost his best friend.

While both hunters were lost in thought, Daniel had woken up. He had peaked outside only to see them zoned out, so he decided to leave them be for now and do some thinking of his own.

Those vampires from earlier are bound to come back and try to take my territory from me. There is no way I'll win against them. Especially if multiple attack at the same time.... I might have to move on to new territory for my own safety..... But how will I tell Zac? He'll be so upset. Especially after we just became friends. It isn't like I want to do this, but if I want to survive, I might have to leave. I really liked it here too. This valley is so beautiful, peaceful, and quiet. I have lived here for so long... I might not be able to survive somewhere else.... What should I do?

While Daniel was suffering from his own internal turmoil, Zac broke out of his train of thought to check on him again.

"Danny? Are you awake?" He asks before entering the tent to find his vampire friend lost in thought.

"Danny?" He gently shakes Daniel's shoulder so he doesn't startle him too much.

Daniel snaps out of his daze and blinks a couple times to regain his bearings.

"Huh? Is something wrong Zac?" He questions as he comes back to reality .

"No... Just making sure you were okay.... Are you? You seemed pretty deep in thought. Is something wrong?"

Daniel sighs before replying, "I might have to leave the valley..."


His loud yell breaks Evernife's train of thought and he too enters the tent to see what's going on.

"What's wrong? Why did you just yell?"

" Danny says he has to leave the valley! That's what's wrong!" Zac snaps in an upset tone.

"What? Why?!"

"Those vampires from earlier might come back. I won't be able to fight them off. You saw what they did to me... I won't be able to defend myself, especially if more vampires find out about this place. I will have to leave for my own safety. Trust me, I don't want to leave this place. I have lived here for a very long time. This place is my home and it hurts me to even think about leaving it behind. But if those vampires come back, I'll be as good as dead. I'm sorry."

Daniel hangs his head in shame. Evernife surprises everyone when he says what he does next.

"You're not going anywhere. You are staying here, in this valley with us. We will protect you. This is your home! You have been here for a long time and you're not leaving it any time soon!"

Zac and Daniel look at him in shock. Especially Daniel since he thought Evernife hated him. Once getting over his shock he buries his face in Evernife's neck and cries while muttering thank you over and over.

"What are you crying for?!"

Evernife stiffens in surprise, not really knowing how to handle someone who is crying, much less a crying vampire.

"N-no one has ever done something like that for me. Vampires typically live in solitude. In our world it is fend for yourself or die. Vampires don't usually make friends and will live alone most of their life unless they find a mate. It means a lot to me that you would say you would protect me like that. Thank you so much."

Zac smiles and joins the hug while chanting, "Danny is staying! Danny is staying!"

Evernife pretended to be annoyed, but for once, he was actually enjoying the physical contact. Maybe he and Daniel really could be friends after all.

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