Chapter IV

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The following night, Zac grabbed the young vampire's journal and began to head off to find him. He felt bad that Evernife read it and he felt even worse about not trying to stop him faster. He sighed quietly.

I hope Daniel won't be too mad. He is kinda cute and I want to learn more about him and maybe even become friends.

Unknown to Zac, Evernife was following him silently from a few yards back. He had had a feeling Zac was going to try and return the journal. So he followed him when he had left. He didn't trust Daniel and he didn't want Zac getting hurt. He and Zac had been friends for a long time and he didn't know what he would do if something bad happened to Zac that he could have prevented. Evernife sighs mentally.

Why is he so keen on returning the stupid journal? It isn't our job to do that. It's our job to protect the villagers from vampire attacks.

A ways a head, there was the sound of fighting. The duo could hear snarls, growls, hisses and screeches of pain. Zac developed a worried look and broke out into a run, heading for the sounds. Evernife shook his head and ran after his friend.

Upon arriving they see a roughed up Daniel fighting against two other vampires in a mess of claws, and fangs. The two vampires were obviously a lot stronger than Daniel and were working together to take him down while Daniel struggled to avoid the attacks and fight both back.

"DANIEL!" Zac cried out with worry.

Daniel glanced over in shock, which was a mistake on his part as one of the vampires kicked him into a tree.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU BASTARDS!" Zac screamed as he began to fire stakes from his crossbow in the hopes of driving them away, but unfortunately for Zac, that wasn't the case. His attacks only made the vampire duo angrier.

"Idiot...." Evernife mutters before running out to join the fight.

Zac was surprised at first but didn't let it show as he and his partner managed to fight off the vampires and drive them away.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were back at the campsite..." He asked as soon as the fight was finished .

"I followed you just in case something bad happened. You are my best friend and I don't know what I would do if I lost you." Evernife replies to him.

"Thank you. I am kinda glad you followed me. It means a lot to me that you would do something like that for me. Plus I don't think I could have taken those two by myself." Zac smiles at Evernife who, in the darkness, blushed slightly.

"Yeah, whatever," he says trying to brush it off, "Let's go check on Daniel over there. It looks like they did a number on him."

With that sentence, his heroic deed was quickly forgotten as Zac ran over to the tree where the injured vampire laid.

"Daniel? Are you okay?" Zac asked, his voice full of worry.

When Daniel failed to respond, Zac only worried more.

"We need to take him back to camp and bandage his wounds!"

"And why should we do that? It isn't our problem." Evernife responded with an irritated tone.

"Because if we leave him here those other vampires will come back, plus, maybe we could use this chance to ask him more questions. I am really curious about him and I know you are too." Zac replied as he scooped Daniel up into his arms, careful not to jar him around too much and cause his wounds to worsen.

Evernife sighs and says, "Fine, but only because I am curious."

The hunters walk back to their camp in silence and upon arrival, Zac treats all of Daniel's wounds.

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