Chapter III

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"Evernife, we shouldn't have read that. It was none of our business what he had written in there. We should return it to him. I doubt he'll be happy to discover it is missing." Zac told his partner.

Evernife laughs as he replies, "That stupid vampire thinks it loves us. How ridiculous is that? As if a hunter, much less a normal human, could ever like or even love a beast like him! Next time I see him, his head will be mine."

Zac frowned. He didn't like this one bit. Honestly, he thought the young vampire was kind of cute and naive. He was like a puppy. His bark was bigger than his bite and he followed them at night like a lost dog. Zac was actually flattered the young vampire liked him. Daniel was different. Maybe the two could be friends. Evernife would be angry if he said it aloud, but he planned to return the journal the following night and try to talk to Daniel. Daniel seemed nice, and if he had really wanted to, he could have killed them when they put their weapons down, but he didn't. That in itself proves he is different from the rest of his kind and should be given a chance.
Evernife on the other hand was not flattered. He was very put off about what he just read.

As if a vampire and a hunter could ever be together, much less be friends. Hunters' soul purposes was to kill vampire scum like Daniel.

But he didn't try to kill you and Zac when you put your weapons down, even though he could have. A voice whispered in the back of his head. He even cooperated and answered your questions. A normal vampire wouldn't have.

"Shut up!" Evernife said out loud.

"Who are you talking to?" Zac asked confused.

"No one! Just myself!" Evernife snapped at his partner.

"No need to get snippy. Jeez." Zac replied heading for his tent.

Maybe he really does like you... You're just too stubborn to accept the fact not all vampires are vicious, blood thirsty killers. The voice told him.

"I don't buy it. All vampires are the same. He's just trying to trick us to make it easier for him to kill us later on. He deserves to die!"

You don't really mean that. Part of you is curious about him. You want to know more. You like him. You know he is different. You want to know why. Give him a chance. You could find yourself being pleasantly surprised. But you will never know if you just kill him. The voice said before going silent.


He sighs, "Maybe you're right... I don't trust him or his 'feelings', but I will give him a chance. But only one. If he messes that up. I will kill him."

Evernife yawns and he heads into the tent to get some sleep before the sun rises.

Vampire LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora