Second first impressions

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Arthit was panicking real hard when he saw Kongpob fall. He was falling at an alarming rate and to a spectator watching the sky from down below it would appear as a star or comet of sorts that was quickly approaching and making its presence known to the onlookers.

Arthit was scared that he might not be able to save him in time but nevertheless, he tried to maneuver the chariot at a safe yet swift speed in the downward direction to save Kongpob.

Kongpob continued falling and landed on a close clutter of bushes and was knocked unconscious. After a while, Arthit reached the land and parked his chariot aside and rushed to the fallen young God's side.

He gathered Kongpob in his arms and took off on his chariot and quickly reached his own home. He laid down Kongpob on a soft bed and surrounded him by pillows.

He had to make sure that Kong would be fine and safe. Arthit chanted a few charms and  mantras to help heal the younger man's wounds.

He was thankful that they weren't exactly flying on a high altitude or else the fall from a high altitude would have done some very permanent damage to him which would have been close to irreversible and Arthit would never be able to forgive himself.

Arthit created a potion for Kongpob out of marlynx flowers, vorfik leaves, blarrt seeds and water, so that the healing process could accelerate its speed. Once he was done he returned home and found that Kongpob was already awake.

"Arthit, where am I? And how am I not as injured as I expected to be? Does it have something to do with you?'' Inquired Kong, in one breath. "Well, you were pretty injured so I brought you here and I had to use pretty strong charms on you to heal your wounds. Being the God of healing and sun does have its perks I guess" shrugged Arthit.

"Also, I'm really sorry Kongpob, I should've been more careful" Arthit said, feeling ashamed of himself. "It's alright, I forgive you. You saved me too, so I guess that compensates for it." said Kongpob sincerely and sat up straight ignoring the pain that he felt when he jerked up.

"What exactly made you lose control? Was it because I called you cute?" Kongpob teased. "Uh.... What? No!" replied a slightly embarrassed Arthit. "Maybe you've already fully healed and should leave" retorted Arthit.

"Calm down, I was just kidding. To be honest my back is hurting right now. When do you think it will fully heal?" asked Kongpob. "Oh my, why did you jolt awake like that, you know you had a great fall? Here, let me check it." replied Arthit.

"Uh no it's alright, i think I'll be fine" Kongpob replied a little bit too fast. You aren't fooling anyone, now come on lie down on your back" 

Kongpob then light out a sigh and turned around so that he was now lying on his back. Arthit then checked his back to check and see if there were any serious wounds. Thankfully there was nothing serious enough that would've taken a long time to heal.

He began working his magic on Kong's back by using a few different enchantments and charms. Kongpob felt really exposed and vulnerable in this situation.

He could feel the feather light and cautious touches on his back that left his skin tingling all over.  Kongpob could feel a weird sensation in his stomach that he made him really confused. He shrugged off the thought by thinking that maybe the enchantments were the cause of all these weird sensations and not the light touches he felt on his back.

The two had some really fun conversations while Arthit was busy helping Kong. Arthit hadn't felt so lively in a long time , ever since that fateful day. He had forgotten how it felt to be young and full of hope, not that he was actually old or anything.

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