How engineer works

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   (Authors note: I decided to more in depth description of each merc Maby every 4 chapters or till I complete them all)

The engineer (real name dell crouger) 

Engis ability's: building stuff (sentry, mini sentry, dispenser, and teleporters) verying types of wrench's to hit Pokémon and people with, can shoot certain things out of existence mostly things with explosive properties and can manually controll his sentrys if needed and can collect metals and wood to build his building and both restock and repair them.

Sentry stats: level 1 sentries shoot 4 bullets each second doing soild damage but the other levels  are strong and the mini sentry is also stronger. Level 2 sentries are also stronger and take 200 metal or wood to build it shoots way faster has more health and shoots more. The level 3 sentry is the strongest as it has more health, shoots rockets and shoots faster than than the previous 2 but not as fast as the mini sentry.    

(I consider the mini sentry separate) the mini sentry: has very long range and even more when engi controls it it does more damage than the level 1 sentry but is weaker than a level 2 or 3 sentry and has very low health but allows engi to be more mobile and independent as its been to be a disposable sentry not a long term investment like the regular sentry and it builds the fastest out of all buildings.  

Dispensers: the dispenser is the bravest building as unlike the sentry the dispenser sees the most action in the frontlines as it heals, gives ammo, metal and wood for engi, a level 1 dispenser can keep engis comrades supply alone but level 2 and 3 dispensers heal and give ammo faster. 

Teleporters: they move his team in and out of location and take his friends to the front the fastest and his friends go in this order of teleporter useage number 1 is him, number 2 is heavy, medic and solider, number 3 is spy pyro and demo, then number 4 is sniper and scout never uses it unless necessary or it's a level 3 or 2. 

Weapons used by engi: engi ever sense he got turned into a Pokémon because of his malfunctioning teleporter his wrench is the only thing that he has no shotguns or a pistol but he has his gunslinger a new version of his short circuit and wrangler at least now for the wrench's he can use now.

Stock wrench: it's reliable, it's practical He uses the stock the most

The jag: he uses this when he needs to get his buildings up fast but doesn't use it to much because it takes longer to remove things that hinder his buildings.

The southern hospitality: engi uses this when there's ghost or Pokémon than can cloak how ever the engi becomes even more likly to get set ablaze. 

The eureka effect: he uses this when building faster with a the jag as it's more of a utility than a practical all time wrench he uses it to A escape tough situations  B to set up quickly as he uses it it denies less metal and wood.

Relation with the other mercs:

Pyro: he and pyro are best friends even if pyro thinks it with friends with everyone despite most of the other mercs fearing pyro well sometimes, engi and pyro help each other as the pyro can check for ghost types but in there world it used to be for robot spy's and blue spies.

Solider: engi doesn't care much soilder neither does Soilder but they do help each other from time to time.  

Scout: engi like most of the other mercs hate scout cause even engis patients has a limit with scouts "put a dispenser here!" Annoying him to no end.

Heavy: unlike scout engi tolerates heavy a bit more but does get annoyed when heavy says "poot dispenser here!" It does irradiate him but engi knows that heavy is important and to engi heavy is his most common customer to his dispenser.

Spy: engi and spy share a hate-like relationship engi hates spy because spy is meant to destroy his buildings behind the lines and even when an enemy's buildings is destroyed it does make engi feel a bit angry as those might as be his buildings But they do tolerate each other and don't generally care for each other.

Sniper: engi and sniper and demo are drinking buddy's and sniper likes a good cup of jo as well as engi, sniper is the one who sometimes uses engis dispenser as a shield of sorts.

Medic: engi and medic are good friends and like the rest mercs he got the uber transplant  they also created a living pumpkin out of a thugs brain by putting the brain in the pumpkin.

Demoman: demo and engi as said before with sniper are drinking buddy's and demo is sometimes engis second most common customer only beaten by heavy they are good friends as they both share a love of beer.

(Authors note: and that there Finnish's engi so expect a real chapter soon.) 

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