Chapter 2

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(First Draft)

Gabriel meet up with his friends in front of their school. "You guys ready? I think we're about to leave." He tightened the straps on his backpack. "I wonder how we're going to get there. Kentons days away, even if we take a boat." As almost a response to his question, their principal, Principal Thomas, stepped up onto a chair to view the crowd of kids. He was a tall guy, hitting the 6' 2" mark, with greyish hair and greenish brownish eyes.

"Thank you all for deciding to join us to this trip to Kenton University!" He put his hands behind his back, "I know I won't need to worry about this, but please be on your best behavior. Please stick with your group and at least one teacher. Now let me introduce you to the Headmaster of Kenton University, Dr. Paat!" Principal Thomas stepped off the chair as Dr. Paat took his place.

"Thank you Tom," Dr. Paat said stepping up onto the chair. He was almost a clone of our principle except for his bright purple eyes. "I don't have much to say, but I do have one thing to tell you." He stood over the kids with a big smile. "I've heard people asking around how we're going to get there. Well, allow me to put an end to your confusion!" He stepped down and walked out to the field. He raised his hands up to the sky in a Y shape. A purple beam of light formed between his hands and created a small circle. He then put his arms down to his sides and stepped back. The purple circle grew up and downwards. It then expanded out to form a big purple oval. He turned around and did a little bow to the crowd.

"Yes students that is right!" Thomas said excitedly, "Dr. Paat is an Energy Holder! He has the power to create portals! Come now! We have a long day ahead of us!" They all stared in amazement. It's not often you see a portal maker. The students then piled through the portal eager to get to the University.

As Jayden approached the portal he stood next to it and gestured his hand out. "Ladies first!" He said to Gabriel laughing. Jayden was to much of a joker.

He gave Jayden a mean look as he walked to the portal. Gabriels spine tingled as he did. His eyes were suddenly hit with a waze of bright purple light. The it faded out as he appeared in Kentons courtyard. It was a huge place. There was a fountain in each corner of the square courtyard. A couple trees and benches were scattered around as well. "Man this place is looking fancy!" he said excitedly.

"Can't wait till the match!" Hazel exclaimed pulling out her katana, "I'm ready to win!" She threw out a couple slashes in the air. "I wonder what types of Energy Holders will be there." She was interrupted by Dr. Paat. She then put the sword back into the scabbard that held it.

"Here we are! Please get in groups of 4! Then pair up with a teacher and you can begin your tour." He straightened his glasses, "Feel free to ask any student or teacher you see in the hallway any questions, please head to the battle court at 1:00 if you wish to view or join the sparring matches. Lunch will also be served at 12:00. Enjoy!"

The massive wave of students made their way into the school. Gabriel and his friends followed their teacher down the long corridor of the school. They walked on as they asked teachers questions, talked to students, and admired the amazing interior. The long, tall hallway shined with a dark brown oak wall and beautifully crafted crown molding.

The group headed over to the cafeteria for lunch. They were serving sandwiches and fruit. "This is a pretty simple lunch," Hazel mumbled with a mouthful of food, "but this sandwich is great!" She shoved another piece of food into her mouth.

"Jeez Hazel!" Gabriel said, "You have a match after this! Don't eat too much!" He was worried she'd get a stomach ache during the fight. She did very well in combat but a stomach ache would not do her any good.

"We should probably start heading over to the arena," Sadie said staring the clock down, "It's almost 1!" The group got up from their seats and through their food away. As they headed down to the arena an older teacher walked up to them.

"Are you Hazel Logi?" he asked them clipboard and pencil in hand.

"Yes I am."

"Can you come with me please? Your in the tournament, right?" He wrote a check next to her name on the board. She nodded.

She walked off with the man waving back to them. "GOOD LUCK!" Jayden yelled to her, "WE WILL BE ROOTING FOR YOU!" The rest of them made it to the stands and sat down. The matches were about to begin.

From Behind the Doorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن