Chapter 5

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(First Draft)

"I can't believe my best friend is most Honorable!" Sadie said. Gabriel could feel the air getting warmer. Sadie was starting to heat up. She did that when she got extremely excited. "Oh boy! I think I'm going to faint!" She sat down. Gabriel had waited till they were on the boat to tell them he was honorable.

"If you faint you'll burn a hole in the boat," Jayden replied. He was leaning against the railing, "Last time you passed out the medics couldn't touch you because you were too hot." He closed his eyes, almost like he was going to fall asleep.

"Oh really?" Sadie yelled back, "I'm surprised you aren't freaking out that Gabriel's most Honorable!" She crossed her arms and frowned at him.

"Guys, does it matter?" Hazel cut in. "So what if we freak out or not, we are all still proud of him!" She smiled giving gabriel a small side hug, then turned back to Sadie. "But he's right about the passing out thing."

"Guys just cool it ok?" Gabriel walked in between them. "Besides, look to your right!" He pointed off the side of the boat. Aibyen was in sight. Monstrous buildings rose up out of the island like a great Oak tree. The sun was at the greatest spot right now. It shown from behind the buildings giving the city a nice glow.

Mrs. Tire came out from below deck. She had a smile the size of Denton on her face. "OH MY GOODNESS!" She ran over to the railing to view the city. "WE ARE HERE!"

"Mom stop yelling," Gabriel told her, "You've been here before." Like he said, she was crazy for Aibyen. The boat came to a stop and docked in the harbor. The Captain came out and lowered a board onto the dock creating a narrow pathway to walk off. They stepped out of the dock and into the main city. There were so many shops and people moving about. Gabriel's mom had already ditched them to tour the city. She left saying all the normal things a mother would say such as, "Don't talk to strangers, Stay together, don't walk into the alleys, don't use your powers inside any shops, and if you see any famous Aibyen people get their autograph." You know the normal stuff. The group walked down the long streets stopping at shops and small businesses. The place was so lively.

The gang was getting pretty hungry. They found a nice fancy restaurant to stop at. Considering the money the Aibyen Leaders gave them, it was no problem to stop somewhere fancy. The place was full of people. There were people in suits and fancy dresses, while they just had some t-shirts and jeans. They let them in nonetheless, saying if they could pay they could come in.

"That was probably the best burger I've ever had!" Jayden said burping. "Sorry mom! This place is better." He pushed his plate forward and out of his way.

"Oh, come on Jayden!" Sadie muttered, "You could be a little more polite. Look where we are!" She gestured to the fancy people around them.

"So what?" He replied calmly. "I can burp whenever I want!" He burped again.

"Well moving away from that topic... I can't wait till tomorrow!" Hazel said excitedly. "We are actually going to meet the Leaders of the world! Were kids! This shouldn't be happening!" Sadie cut in next.

"Glad it's happening though!" Sadie waved her fork at Gabriel. "You of all people should be excited! Your most Honorable! Not even the Leaders are that high!" She gave him a nice look. He didn't return it.

He sighed. "I wish I was, well I am it's just..." He leaned back in his chair, "I don't think I have what it takes. Not that smart, I can barely fight, and I don't even know my power yet!" He slumped down in his chair.

"The Leaders have made many mistakes in the past." Jayden replied he looked towards Gabriel, "That doesn't mean you're one of those mistakes." He leaned on the table with his hand on his check. "I bet you will be the best Honorable yet!" A waiter came over and cut in.

"Did I hear the word Most Honorable over here?" People were a little crazy when they knew there was a Most Honorable in the same room. "Yeah" Gabriel replied. "Which one of you is it?" She replied quickly.

Sadie gave Gabriel a side hug. "It's this guy right here! We are all proud of him!" Jayden gave him a small noogie. Gabriel pulled out the letter for proof. She asked for an autograph and left saying the bill was already paid. They left a big tip anyway. It was getting darker outside now. The city lights glowed bright. A little too bright. It hurt their eyes. The moon watched calmly from above. The gang headed back to their fancy hotel room that the Aibyen Leaders had so generously paid for.

"Why did they have to separate us?" They had two rooms, one for boys, one for girls. "We're best friends! We can share a room!" Jayden slumped on the huge bed. Jayden hated being separated from his friends. He refused to be alone. He hated it.

"Well, maybe it's for the best. You never know, we could have had our nails painted or something!" That laughed themselves to sleep. Morning didn't seem to come soon enough. They brushed their teeth, got dressed, ate a delicious breakfast, and started heading over to the Aibyen Capital Building.

As they approached the front door, a tall skinny man in a suit walked out. He stood there holding the door open. "Welcome Honorable! It's such a pleasure to meet you! Please come in." They entered without saying a word. Even Gabriel's Mom was somehow quiet, but her face showed that she was going to burst any second.

They walked up to a desk in the center of the room. "Hello I'm..."

"Gabriel Tire, 15, born and raised in Huntenar, attends Raydon High School, Honorable. We all know who you are!" the lady behind the desk shuffled through some papers and found what she was looking for. "Here's a map of the place in case you need it. Please go down there, then enter the 3rd door on the left."

"Oh um, Thank you!" Gabriel replied, "You are very kind!" He was kinda surprised she knew that much about him. They started to walk down before the lady stopped them. She said he had to go alone.

"Well I guess we will see you later!" Hazel said giving him a hard pat on the back.

"Go show those Aibyen Leaders that you're most Honorable!" Sadie gave him a small hug.

"What they said," Jayden replied.

"Wish me luck!" Gabriel turned away from them and Started heading down the hallway. The 3rd door to the left. It was a huge door. It shined a nice golden color. It had the Symbols of each country. Honestly the symbols weren't all that fancy. It was basically just the first letter of the country in different fonts. Each one had its own corner, encased in circles of gold. Aibyen had it's in the very center bigger than all the others. Looked about 15 feet tall and had hinges on both sides. "Well let's do this!" Gabriel whispered to himself. He opened the door.

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