Chapter 6

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(First Draft)

The room was bigger than the door you entered. The walls were filled with beautiful paintings, and artifacts from the past times in glass frames. The roof was a beautiful golden color, it arched from the wall and connected at the top. The carpet was a magnificent line of bright red that stretched across the floor. Above the wonderful dark oak desks that the Leaders sat at was a enormous glass dome. It wasn't even ordinary glass. The symbol of Aibyen stained the glass as it shined above them.

A tall man sat in the center of the four other Leaders. His face looked old but his shape looked young. "Hello there Gabriel." He spoke slowly. "We would like to congratulate you for becoming this decade's Most Honorable!" He clapped softly as the others joined him. "My name is Zachary Graham. But you can just call me Graham!" There was a chair set down in front of their desks. "Please sit down." Gabriel quietly walked over to the seat. He was in shock. "You look nervous."

"Yeah," Gabriel replied, "You could say that." He fidgeted in his chair.

"No need to be! We will never judge you here! Let's have you meet the others!" They went around clockwise. First was Charles Smith Leader of Funt, and Kate Elans Leader of Kenton. Then Leader of Huntenar John Day, and finally Mya Small Leader of Jedgur. "And that would make me Leader of Aibyen."

"Well it's nice to meet you all!" Gabriel said softly. It wasn't everyday you met the leaders of the world. They looked so official. Either in a suit or a dress. He only had a plain white shirt and jeans. That sat in silence for a minute. "So..." Gabriel said breaking the silence, "Can I ask why I was chosen? Was my name pulled out of a hat?" He laughed alone, "Ok so that's the tone we're going for, got it."

"I'll tell you now that we are more exciting then we may seem," Charles replied, "Why we chose you we cannot yet say." He reached for something under his desk, "But we do have something for you!" He pulled out a key. It was an odd green color, and had a small hole on it for a chain. "This key is important! It is your first mission, use it, protect it, and don't let anyone take it! Not even us!"

"What's it for? Does it go to anything?" He got no response.

"Honestly we won't see you for a while, this meeting was mostly just to give you that key." Mya now spoke, "You will head to where we tell you, do what we say, but know that being most Honorable means you're above us. If you ever need anything, let us know!" John spoke next.

"We will also be giving you these." He pulled out two small cylinder shaped items, one red, one yellow. "These are part of Jedgur's highest technology! You are the first Honorable to have one. The yellow one will allow us to send messages from anywhere in Denton." He held the red one up. "This one lets you send messages back to us." He stood up and walked over to Gabriel and handed him the key and the two cylinders. "You have to go now, stay safe, stay alert, and train a lot! You will need to become the best fighter you can! You will no longer need to go to school, stay home and train!"

Gabriel left without saying anything. That was probably the strangest conversation he's had with anyone. He walked back to the main lobby in silence. When he got back his friends were immediately on him. "What were they like?"

He simply replied, "Strange."

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