Chapter 4

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(First Draft)

"Hazel you were awesome!" Jayden yelled, throwing his hands up into the air, "The best part was when you pulled her bow away and then kicked her in the head!" He slashed his arms through the air making sound effects as he did. "Whoosh! DIE, DIE!"

"Aw thanks Jayden!" Hazel blushed a little, "It was nothing."

"No, that was something, that was impressive," Sadie said, "You just fought a Funt warrior and won! That's something to celebrate."

"I agree!" Gabriel said next, "I think I saw an ice cream stand walking to the arena, want to stop there?" The gang stopped for ice cream. Each getting a big serving of chocolate, except for Jayden. He wanted strawberry, and thanks to the field trip it didn't cost them a penny. "How's the strawberry?"

"Great!" Jayden yelled back, "Chocolate is overrated!" As they walked out of the school, someone walked up to Gabriel. The guy was short but had muscle. He held a staff in one hand with something engraved into it. It must have been some other language though.

"Hello son," the strange man mumbled, "Are you Gabriel Tire? From Huntenar?" He coughed into a tissue he pulled out of his pocket. "Well? Are you?"

"Ye.. Yes?" Gabriel said confused. This man was creeping him out.

"Wonderful!" was all he said before vanishing before them. Like, he actually just VANISHED. Poof! No longer there. Must have been a teleporter.

There was short silence. The other three just looked at Gabriel strangely. "Ok, who the heck was that guy?" Hazel finally said. No one answered. As the day ended, everyone piled back through the portal into Raydon. They all walked back to their homes taking a long sleep through the night, not wanting school to come tomorrow. Except for Hazel of course, eager to get back to sword practice. The moon shined bright that night, lighting the darkest of places.


The walls were black, the floor was black, even the lights gave off a black light. Barely enough light to see. "I found our target my Lord," A man said to a dark figure in the dark room. "He dwells in Huntenar. He has friends with him, 2 energy holders and one non. They appear to be no threat."

The dark man spoke, his voice was deep, slow, and hoarse. "Did you send the note as well?" He nodded. "You've done well Arthur, but this was an extremely simple task. If you wish to join me on this exciting quest then you must do more." He raised his hand, gesturing someone in. A NE infected girl walked out of the shadows. Her walk was crooked. Her clothes were ripped, She was hunched over with her head tilting to one side. Her hands only having a couple fingers left. NE does horrible things to people "Bring me the newest arrivals, I wish to review them for their needs." The girl nodded. "And you Arthur, have a job to do. Get to it."

"Yes my Lord," Arthur said bowing "May I ask something my Lord?"

"Fine, make it quick."

"May I have someone come with me? You never know what might happen! The more the merrier they say!"

"No," he firmly said back, "This is only a one man job." Arthur nodded, disappointed as he teleported away. "Bring them in!" A big group of NE walked through the door and made their way up to the man. He stood above all the rest. He put his hands together and clapped twice.

All the infected bodies started to move. The NE that took over them flew out of their bodies and made their way to a corner of the room. The people then came to their senses and looked around horrified. "Hello and welcome to Death Island." A scared murmur broke through the crowd. "You have all been infected by NE, if you were to dumb to notice before. You have been careless and let yourself become infected. You are here to work. I will have you questioned, if you answer what you honestly know, I MIGHT treat you decently. If you know nothing and that is the truth that is fine as well. If you refuse to answer you will die. Simple as that." The crowd went to a panicked murmur. He held his hand hand out to the crippled NE girl. "Move them to the interrogation rooms. If any choose not to cooperate, kill them in whatever way you want, you've earned it."

The girl jumped up and down in excitement. Her eyes were wide and her tongue hung out. She was chaotic. She moved the crowd out of the room. It was now empty. The man walked up to a chair and sat down. He picked up a book from a desk in the far back corner of the room. He pulled his bookmark out, opened up to his page and said, "This will be so much fun."


Gabriel sat in his classroom, listening to his teacher babble on and on about how history was important. Then it was Math, lunch, English and, Warrior class. Finally a subject that involved punching things. "Remember students!" said his teacher, "NE are unpredictable! There is no telling how they will strike!" He walked up to a punching dummy. "But if you can, try to aim right for the head. Knocking them unconscious is your best bet." He did a spin and kicked it hard in the head, sending it far across the room. A random student raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Wouldn't the groin be a better place to strike?" The class laughed.

"I suppose, but what if it's a lady?" He replied back, "The head is the best place, besides, some NE are so messed up that you can't even tell." The clock struck the 2:00 mark. "Well would you look at that, times out already!" The students piled out of the classroom to get home and run outside.

Gabriel made his way down the long path he took to get to school. The trees moving slightly in the wind, no leaves falling on the grass. As he made it home he noticed the mailbox was full with mail. Being the good kid he was, he grabbed it and brought it inside. "Hello sweetie!" His mom said cheerfully as he walked through the front door. "Did you grab the mail on the way in?"

"Yeah" He plopped it down on the table and fell onto the couch.

"This one says it's for you!" He was confused. Almost no one sent him mail. He tore it open revealing a red letter with black words. It read: "Hello Mr. Gabriel Tire, we are pleased to announce that you have been elected as Most Honorable. Even if it may not seem like it. The Leaders took a long time to make this decision and have gone through many months of debate and question. Congratulations! We would like you to visit Aibyen to receive your award. Please use the money enclosed in this document and address to travel. Take as many Family and Friends as you want. You've earned it."

"WOW!" Mrs. Tire yelled excitedly, "It even has the official Aibyen logo! MY LITTLE BOY IS HONORABLE!" She yelled the last part. Being called most Honorable was the biggest honor you could receive. How these people were chosen was a complete mystery. But the Leaders have not made a mistake since the incident about 30 years ago. Gabriel's mother was crazy for anything in Aibyen. She has been there on several occasions as a tourist. The place was filled with interesting people and tons of parks and shops. "I am putting this in a picture frame!" She ran down the hall to grab a frame, while Gabriel ran down the street to each one of his friends houses. He told them he was heading to Aibyen and invited them to come along, and of course they all said yes. It wasn't everyday that you visited Aibyen, let alone being called Honorable.


A group of 5 people sat in a big room. They were chatting away when a young girl entered. "Mr. Graham sir! Gabriel has received the letter, he's on a boat as we speak!"

"Well the boy is on his way." They paused. "This should be.... Interesting, to say the least."

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