Audrey Found Her Soulmate

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The last time we saw Audrey was when she packed up all of her bag and left her lover. Unlike before, she didn't leave London instead she moved to a crappy lodging near the river Thames and there she stayed until she found her new job.
This time she became a secretary to a bitter, horrible old maid. I'm not exactly sure whether the bitterness came as the result of her unmarried state or because she was a bitter person that no one finds her attractive, either way she is a bitter person and Audrey ended up working for her.
You would guess it that Audrey and the boss  (her name is Betsy by the way) didn't get along well.
Audrey even thought that the reason Betsy hired her was because she hated her and wanted to make her life miserable. And it might be true because Betsy would torment Audrey with impossible task and demanding even more impossible time for completion. What was even worst that Betsy never ceased to comment on Audrey's choice of work clothes everyday.
Yes, Audrey was once again miserable in her job.
However, our heroine found herself a kindred spirit in the form of her co-worker Mary Hope. She was a plain looking girl, need a bit of polish in both her manner and her appearance. Mary though lack in beauty make up for it in kindness and loyalty.
Mary knowing Audrey struggle to find an affordable lodging in a better neighborhood offered Audrey to be her roommate. It wasn't a luxurious apartment complex, it was actually no better than the one Audrey stayed now but in their own logic it was better because they could lived together. Things got more horrible if we lived it alone. So, a dingy apartment wouldn't be so dingy if we have a roommate especially roommate as good as Mary.
Those two girls co existed with happiness in each other. And as often the case of living together one would eventually stole the other one habit and for Audrey and Mary, it was Mary who without even realizing it has polished her looks. She started learning how to apply make up from Audrey, started to adopt Audrey's habit of beauty routine night and day. Not long after Mary found herself being looked at on her way to the office and that pleases her.
Audrey loves her roommate so much. They would help each other in bad days and more importantly those days when money runs out and they couldn't even afford to buy dinner because their salary is often spend on make up (girls!).
Mary and Audrey have this rituals where they would go out on a date with guys they met through dating app but only at times when the money to buy dinner is out. The purpose of course is to have free dinner at least that was the purpose for Audrey but for Mary it wasn't just free dinner, it was a husband selection as well although sadly they never went on a second date. For Audrey it was her decision and for Mary sadly it was the guy's decision. But they borne it well and went through every day with happiness because they have each other.
Betsy and her bitterness be damn!

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