Goddess of Lust and Cupid

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Audrey has attracted Brandon, there! That's the honest truth. Brandon's fiancee, no matter how pretty or rich she is, when she so far away, someone like Audrey could come in between them and ruined everything and it all started with that one drink.
"Rough day?" said Brandon when Audrey stepped inside the lift going down.
Brandon had seen Betsy berated Audrey earlier today and couldn't help but to sympathize. He noticed the rude behavior of Betsy towards Audrey since he first came to the office and that I think was one of the attraction of Audrey. By berating her, Betsy made Audrey seemed like a damsel in distress and what man doesn't want to feel like a hero, rescuing the damsel from the evil witch, Brandon is no exceptions.
He has stood up for Audrey a couple of time but they never talked much. Once in a while Audrey would utter her gratitude and threw him a little sweet smile.
Brandon felt like his self-restraint would soon fail him if Audrey kept giving him her sweetest smile. He wanted so much to be close to Audrey but the thought of his fiancee, so far away, struggling with her education (she's pursuing a phd) made him feels guilty of his desire.
But today in the elevator, seeing the frustration in Audrey's beautiful face, his self-restraint finally gave in. He has to get close to Audrey or he'll loose his mind thinking about this girl day and night.
Audrey looked at Brandon and smiled, "thanks to your godmother." She said mockingly.
"You look like you need a drink," Brandon blushed as he said it.
Audrey smirked at Brandon. She knew his intention very well.
"Tomorrow at eight. Don't be late," said Audrey as the elevator's door open to her intended floor.
Brandon was left with awe of Audrey's forwardness and getting even more excited about the prospect of hanging out with her.
Friday night came along and Brandon showed up in front of Audrey's house exactly at eight.
She looked so beautiful that night and Brandon couldn't took his eyes off her. They went for a drink until both of them were quite drunk and then they went back to Brandon's apartment and had even a greater time together.
I don't think I need to tell you exactly what happened at Brandon's apartment. You are all grown up, you know what two people would do in a bedroom especially when they drunk. Let's just say that the goddess of lust was having a feast that night.
The alarm jolted Audrey awake. It was just 6 o'clock in the morning. Audrey sigh and wonder why would Brandon have an alarm that set at 6 in the morning on a weekend but on the bright side, she got to wake up early to leave early.
She never liked to spend a night in a man's apartment especially after some good night's work (wink wink!) She liked to leave immediately when the deed is done. But last night she was so drunk that after they both have reached satisfaction she fell right to slumber.
Audrey tipped toe her way out of the bedroom as she collected her scattered articles of clothing; the underwear here, the bra there, the dress was by the table and the shoes was by the door. Slowly she opened the front door and dashed out of Brandon's apartment without him ever waking up. That man slept through the alarm, I wonder myself why does he even bother owning one and setting it up.
"Did you do it with him?" Asked Mary as soon as Audrey stepped foot inside the apartment. "Tea?" Mary poured the boiling hot water into the tea mug.
Audrey nodded.
"You know that he's engaged, right?" said Mary again as she handed Audrey her cup of hot tea.
"Oh, Mary, nothing matter happened. It was only sex, the man is lonely and I'm dry. It's not a big deal."
"You're not in love with him?"
"Darling Mary, not all sex involving love. In my case, it never is."
"I wish I could be like you, Audrey. Set the feeling aside, enjoying only bodily pleasure. Would've save me a lot of heart break."
"You're much better than me, Mary. Please don't change," Audrey smiled and kissed Mary on the cheek. "And please don't use the word bodily pleasure, it reminded me of bodily fluid and that is disgusting!"
That day Brandon texted Audrey but Audrey never responded. That is one of her so many rules regarding man. She doesn't want relationship with them, she only want - to use Mary's term - bodily pleasure therefore she never texted any of them back, if they want her they can come to her. She never answer the door when she got bored to that one man standing, knocking on her door. She never spend a night in a guy's apartment. She never talked to them anything about her, she would however let them blabbing about themselves for hours but never would she depart any information about herself. But most importantly, she would never fall in love with any of them. When things started to get complicated and feeling would become involve, she would run away like her ass is on fire. So, there folks is Audrey's rules regarding man to prevent them or her from falling in love with each other because for Audrey love has no use but trouble and heartbreak and man is even more useless and only good for giving her bodily pleasure - to take Mary's term again.
It was supposed to be a one time thing only, Brandon has a fiancee, he was engaged, and that night with Audrey was something that he wasn't supposed to do. But it was undeniable the most pleasurable night in his life and he got addicted.
What irritated him only that Audrey wouldn't return his text.
"I don't text, Brandon." She said shortly and nonchalantly as it was no big deal for her.
The way Audrey treated him should've been his cue as to his nature of relationship with that woman but Brandon somehow couldn't see it. He even proceeded to fall in love with her after only 3 dates.
"What are you doing with my godson?" Asked Betsy after, without blinking, watching Audrey and Brandon talked in his office.
"Finance report as you asked," said Audrey as she puts the piles of files that she just took from Brandon's office.
"But what else have you two talked about?" asked Betsy again in interrogatory manner.
"Liar! You two looked cozy in there. There were a lot of smiling."
"You need me for anything else?" Audrey didn't give notice to Betsy's question as she found it annoying.
"I need you to stay away from Brandon, do you understand me?"
Audrey only smiled as she went out of Betsy's office leaving the bitter boss lady with unresolved anger.
Audrey and Brandon went on to 3 more dates. For Audrey it was only drink and sex but for Brandon it was a date, it was his and Audrey's moment of falling in love.
"I love you, Audrey. I'm going to break things off with Jules," blurted out Brandon the night they just had one of their steamy exercise (wink wink!)
"Oh God, Brandon! Don't you ever do that!" Audrey practically screaming. Well, what does she hope will happen when she went out with a guy for sometime; either he falls for her or she falls for him. In this case, he falls for her.
"Why? Don't you love me?"
"No, Brandon. I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way."
"I don't believe you! How can you not feel the same after what we've gone through?"
"We went out, got drunk and have sex. That's what we've been doing, Brandon. Are you telling me that you are willing to trade someone so loyal, so in love with you like Jessica for someone like me who don't even care about you at all?"
"You don't care about me?"
"I only care that you shouldn't throw away the one that truly loves you for someone like me. It would be a grave mistake, Brandon." Audrey put on her clothes in a hurry but before she left, she looked at Brandon with earnest. "Brandon, call Jessica and tell her that you love her and that you miss her. I'm only one of your adventure but her is your future."
With that said, Audrey closed the door to Brandon's apartment thus closing her brief fling with him thus also closing her miserable job with Betsy.
The next day she resigned.
The goddess of lust and cupid were at war when Brandon fell in love with Audrey while she only thought of him as her sexual partner. In the end, the goddess of lust won as she always does.

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