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Hey sweets

Can you be at Velvet Hotel by quarter to 7? I have a few things I need you to do first before I see you x

Of course

So there Sugar was, walking through the lobby of the ridiculously fancy hotel in his clothes, slightly worried because of all the eyes staring at him as if he were a piece of rubbish. One woman in a crisp uniform even tried to convince the sugar that he was in the wrong building, and when the male denied and told her the name 'Jonathon McAllister', her eyes widened and she ushered him to room 127 just as the clock struck quarter to seven.

His phone vibrated as the door shut behind him, and his heart thudded when he saw a few simple items on the bed.

I hope you don't mind the blindfold. Nobody's seen me before as Starboy, and I'd quite like to keep it that way x

The sugar held his breath as he took in the amber lighting of the room. The golden glow warmed the white sheets and silver accents of the room, bringing out the simplicity of the expensive suite. He knew StaryboySeo would be rich, but this rich? Rich enough to spend hundreds on one night with a mere follower?

Just sit on the bed in your blindfold and wait for me, okay, sweetie? x Give me a few minutes and then I'll be there

Sugar bit his lip. He was going to meet the man he loved so much, but he wouldn't be able to see him? Maybe now it made sense as to why nobody's face was ever shown in the videos in Seo's updates, and if they were, they couldn't see for some reason.

SugarMoon padded lightly over to the large bed and flicked his gaze onto the item on the sheets. He smiled in surprise to see a white blindfold with golden writing, reading, 'SugarMoon' in block capitals. It was a soft piece of fabric and had two, simple ribbons either side for tying up his eyes.

Now he just felt extremely happy. Like, happy to the point where he coudn't sit still and nothing else in the world mattered but him and this entire moment. Looking down at his attire, he wondered, Will the clothes be okay?

And maybe he sat there in complete bliss for a bit too long, because suddenly the door clicked and he knew someone had entered, but before he could react in any way, eyes still cast on the fabric in his hands on the bed, he heard:

"Don't turn around."

Oh my god. It was him.

Sugar would be able to pick out that voice from anywhere, and as he ordered, he didn't dare to turn around. Who was he to disobey the man he loved, let alone StarboySeo himself?

And then when he felt the heat and gentle brush of fingertips either side of his face as those pretty hands reached past to pull the blindfold up to the other's eyes, he shivered.

"F-Fuck," he mumbled, partially hoping that his idol hadn't heard him.

Starboy chuckled. "Not yet," he said quietly, and that made the blindfolded man smile behind a hand.

In the darkness, he could hear Starboy's controlled breathing as he sat down on the bed in front of him, the mattress slowly sinking as he relaxed. "So how have you been lately, Sugar, huh? If you're in Uni, how it going? Any lecturers you want me to snake?"

Sugar was shocked at the easy atmosphere as Seo talked with familiarity. "I-I'm not in university... I work in a café not far from here... Sir," he added after a slight pause.

There was no reply after that, and since he could see, the sugar stuttered, "S-Sorry--" but was cut off by a large palm cupping and stroking the side of his face.

"No, no, Sugar. Don't apologise. I like it when you call me that," Starboy said before he shuffled on the bed. When he next spoke, the other could feel his breath fanning over his face. "Why don't I tell you my rules, yeah? And then you can tell me yours."

SugarMoon nodded.

"You're obedient," his idol noted, pleased, and the heat brushing on his face travelled from his forehead down to his cheek. "My first rule is that our lips don't meet, okay, sweetie? And no marks either. That includes scratching, biting, hickeys - nada."

Sugar nodded again and gasped, melting into the other's touch when his lips pressed against his cheekbone. "But that doesn't mean I can't kiss your baby soft skin. Secondly, when I record our activities, you can't reveal anything about yourself or me. Only pretty moans and pleasured whines should escape your perfectly pink lips," he said, and he played with Sugar's lower lip with the pad of his thumb as he spoke. The teasing was unfair on the other, who had come to fall in love with every gentle touch he could only imagine the feeling of.

And perhaps this was infinitely better than anything he could ever imagine. "So," he whispered as he pressed his cheek against the sugar's. "What are your rules?"

SugarMoon couldn't speak for a few seconds when StarboySeo asked him if all the intimate touching was acceptable, and of course he nodded. "U-Um, I... I have one thing..."

"Of course, sweets. What is it?"

"You have to tell me how good I am."

He could feel Seo's sudden gaze on him. "Praise kink?" Sugar knew he blushed shyly, and the other chuckled. "Cute."

Seo picked him up and held his delightful hips as he pulled him onto his lap. "You okay with a video? Or just photos?"

Sugar raised his eyebrow. "How did you know I wanted to be seen?" Not all of his lucky sugars wanted to be showcased on his profile. Some just wanted to be with him and have an audio file for proof that they actually did spend some time together.

Seo nuzzled his face with their lips dangerously close. "You've dolled yourself up."

Sugar whispered, "That could've just been for you."

"Was it?"

He was answered with an embarrassed flush. Seo laughed and hooked a finger under the waistband of Sugar's cute shorts. "I'll film us from start to finish, okay? Just act as though the camera isn't there," he told the man on his lap.

Sugar held his breath and was suddenly nervous when he heard the click of a camera button. He relaxed into Seo's muscular arm and found a sliver of confidence in himself to drop his hands on his shoulders, bending his head and easily finding his forehead, kissing it quickly. Wow. He just kissed his first love, and damn his skin was smooth.

"What was that?" Seo asked.

"That's alright, isn't it?" Sugar questioned. "Our lips didn't meet, as you said."

Seo's lips tipped upwards. "Smart little Sugar," he complimented him and held him closer.

Sugary Sweet | JohnilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant