03| Getting Used To It

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When I was trying out for the job I was the first person with the best scores, it may be because of my little secret. So of course I got the job but not quite.

Tomorrow I'm going through a trial. Yamada said so, it's basically getting used to my surroundings and it's to see if I'm qualified for the job. Physical Education was it? I basically have to teach them how not to get themselves injured in a fight and educate them on how their quirks suit their bodies. And some other stuff related to Physical Education, even though I know A lot about physical things I'm not so sure about how I'm going to work with their quirks.

incoming   call.   miss kora

"Oh I wonder what she wants?"
I say as I'm about to answer the phone

"Hey miss!"

Kora: "Sooo how's the job interview going?"

"It's good actually! They put me through this trail thing to help me get used to it and blah blah blah."

Kora: "Oh that's nice! Just so you know I need you to take over the café for me, I'll be out of town for a week"

"Is that why...you called me?"

Kora: "yup, take good care of the shop!"

call. ended.

I'll get her back one of these days. I didn't even get to ask her why she left. Maybe a job came up or something?. Well the trail doesn't start until tomorrow so I better get some rest. And I have work at the shop, it doesn't open until 12:00 tomorrow so that's good. I just have to ask if I can start early.

I set my alarm for 6:00 a.m., I hope I can eat with yamada again that time was nice, just us two, but of course it's nothing romantic I just met him two days ago.

I put on my pjs and brush my teeth and then go to bed, finally I get to rest.


I woke up to my alarm beeping it was 5:54. I got up and got dressed after I've had my breakfast I headed outside and got on my bike headed to U.A.

It's a beautiful day today, maybe this day will be good.

It's a beautiful day today, maybe this day will be good

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This is what you are wearing

I arrived at the school and set my bike up on the railing and added chains to it. Let's just keep this a secret but those chains are one of my quirks.

"Hello Y/n!" Yamada said

" oh hey Yamada!" I reply

"Come with me while I show you your work area!" He said while grabbing my arm

" I thought you said this was a trial why am I getting a office?!?" I asked being confused, maybe I heard him wrong?

" oh I wanted to surprise you but I guess I spoiled it haha!" He said

When we arrived the place was huge, it had mountains that I guess on of the teachers used to create it.

"Here come with me let me show you your office" he said while pulling me over to where it was.

It had a desk and a chair in one corner and a couple of weights in the other it also had a treadmill in on place!

" you can decorate it however you like just make sure not to steal anything hehe!" He said in his usual present mic tone.

" I didn't think it would be this cool!" I said as I placed my book bag down.

"So when can I get started?" I asked

" well Aizawa should be bringing the kids down shortly."

" that's his name the guy that was with you when you came to the café?" I asked

"YeH he's the one that asked for the kitty pancakes he loves cats!" He said

" we're here Hizashi" Aizawa said

I stepped out of the office and near the door where Aizawa came in with the students

"Oh hello! I'm glad I get to be working with you guys!" I said to the students

"It's nice to meet you to miss!" Most of the class said but I heard someone "Tch" it was a little awkward

"Heh please don't be so formal call me L/n, I wouldn't mind oh and add sensei to it" I said confidently

"Of course sensei!" A tall blue haired boy said, oh he comes to my shop I think his name was iida?

"Y'know for a Sensei you got some pretty big boobs heheh" a short purple haired boy said

"Oh please!" I said while blushing that came out of nowhere! I used my quirk to chain him up with the chains coming out of my hands, this quirk allows me to make chains from my body from anywhere.

"I mean the boys got a point" I heard Yamada whisper, I feel my face getting a little warmer. Are my boobs seriously that impressive?!?

A few minutes past and I got to know a little bit about everybody. I check the time and it's 11:45

"Oh man, Aizawa I have to go work soon you think I can leave this is really important my boss left the shop to me and I can't be late" I asked in desperation

"Sure thing, but before you go Yamada wanted me to give you this" He said while handing me a phone number, oh his...number.

"Oh um thank you!" I said to him

" Bye class! See you tomorrow!" I said as I waved goodbye to my students

" bye L/n sensei!!" The class said


After I finished my shift I headed home tired as ever, I can't wait to lay down I said, maybe I should text Yamada I thought to myself

But before I could I got a text, it was non other than Him! He asked if I wanted to see the new Little Witch town anime movie. Of course I said yes! I love that movie!

But I guess I didn't think it all the all the way through, me and Yamada in a theater together, what could possibly happen?

Oh Boy -Present mic X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now