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Jungkook's POV
Taehyung broke up with the person he was with before summer break. I need to get that in my head so I can finally tell him. He's single again so I have my chance. It's too soon to tell him though. He already had to go through the break up so I don't want to bother him with that idea. (Months later) He's been quiet the first few months of school. He started to open up and be more talkative. Since we're in 8th grade now, we have three classes together. We have PE, History and Science. I've kinda talked to him. We've haven't had any contact though. Lately, there's been lots of girls trying to talk to me and many of them have told me that they like me. I kinda just go with it but at the end of the day, I know I won't fall for those desperate girls. We're having this intervention thing for math and I got room 1. My friend said only smart people got room 1. I'm not sure about that, i think I'm pretty decent at math.
Taehyung's POV
In my opinion, that relationship wouldn't work because it wasn't serious enough. Besides that, we have an intervention class for math and I got room 1. Namjoon and Jimin also got room 1. I've heard it's for "smart people." I have advanced math so I guess I'm smart? We go to the class tomorrow so idk what to expect.
The next day..
The activity everyone is going to do in room 1 is a team building activity. Taehyung and Jungkook noticed that they both got room 1 but they didn't give each other any attention. When they get into the room, the teacher arranges groups for everyone so it was random. Jiminie got a group with people he wasn't really comfortable with. Taehyung and Joonie got a group together, with Jungkook. Jungkook's friends sadly weren't in his group except some weird kid that he sometimes talks to. Jungkook got nervous when Taehyung sat down across from him. Joonie was sitting next to him. The activity was to build a tower using spaghetti and whichever tower was the tallest free standing tower would win the contest. Taehyung was being creative and coming up with all the ideas for the tower. The weird kid I mentioned before kept ruining the tower so Taehyung kept insisting other ideas. Jungkook just observed and handed the materials when they asked for it. Everyone in the group was laughing and having fun, while Jungkook laughed along, he was admiring Taehyung and his creativity. When Taehyung wasn't looking,  Jungkook would break a smile and blush just a little. Since the activity was a hand on activity, Jungkook "accidentally" touched Tae's hands since they had to hold up the tower. Tae noticed and didn't bother to do anything about it. Jungkook was attempting to "accidentally" touch his hands so he just went with it.
Taehyung's POV
Jungkook's hands felt soft. When he did that, my heart felt a bit warm. Also, he kept agreeing with my ideas for the tower and saying I had smart ideas. I kinda felt close to him since we were having fun. I'm confused about my feelings right now. If I did fall for Jungkook, I would've been competing with all those girls that talk to Jungkook. If I do fall for him, I'll just hurt myself. Do I dare to hurt myself to just have feelings for someone?

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